17.2.1 (Spirit: Riding Free) Bebe x Fem! Reader

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Requested Anonymously

Also, E/C means Eye Color

You took a deep breath

And then another

Today is the day, you thought, that I'm asking out Bebe.

You had been trying to for three months, but something happened every time that prevented you from doing so.

You sighed, remembering the multiple times that you had embarrassed yourself in front of her.

Little did you know, Bebe was thinking the same thing.

You walked into the dining pavilion (I forgot what it's called) and got your food, pondering how you could ask her out.

You sat down beside her, along with Daphne and Ursala. Your whole body already heating up from the close contact.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" Bebe asked, looking at you with her gorgeous face and mesmerizing sky blue eyes.

"Y-Yeah." You replied. "Actually, I was wondering if-" Right before you asked the question, you heard a smack next to you.

You looked over with the most emotionless face you could muster since you already knew who it was.

"Yes, Lucky?" You asked, already over whatever she was about to say. Ever since she had found out that the BUDs went to the academy, she approached whenever possible.

"Us PALs are going to beat you at the next horse race!" Lucky declared.

You rolled your eyes and sighed.

"Uhm, Lucky?" Abigail asked. "Didn't you say that last time, and then we were all last?"

Lucky's face fell for a moment, then said, "This time will be different!"

"Keep telling yourself that." You said.

"Why can't we all just get along?" Daphne mumbled laying her head on the table miserably.

"Maybe if you guys would just leave us alone-" Ursala started but stopped herself.

You quickly noticed that Bebe hadn't said anything, and death stared Lucky.

"Go away, and we'll see who wins at the race." You said.

Lucky huffed and walked off, Pru and Abigail following her.

By the time they were out of earshot, it was already time for classes.

You had two more times to attempt to ask her out.

At lunch, someone unlocked Bebe's horse and startled it, causing you and Bebe to search for it all through lunch.

When dinner came around, Bebe kept going to the restroom, giving you no chance to talk to her. Until she came back on her eighth turn.

"Hey, Y/N?" She asked, a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Hmm?" You were slightly embarrassed since your mouth was full of food.

"I was wondering if maybe..." Bebe trailed off, staring into your E/C eyes.

You stared back, and you stayed that way.

"Lights out in 10! Head to your dorms!" A teacher said urgently, as she normally did on Wednesday nights. The school thought it was healthy if everyone went to bed early on Wednesdays.

Bebe blushed and stood up, and you copied her.

"Goodnight, BUDs!" You said, turning around and walking off before they could see the dejected look in your eyes.

You quickly went to your dorm, putting your head on your pillow.

After about thirty minutes, you heard something hit a window. Then again. And again.

Curiosity got the best of you, and you headed to the window and opened it.

Only to get hit in the head with a pebble.

"OW!" You exclaimed.

"Are you ok?" Bebe's voice asked. You looked to the sound, and there she was. The sun was slowly setting behind her, and it made her hair shine, and her eyes sparkle.

"Yeah, I'm good!" You said, rubbing the spot that she hit and jumping out of your window, which was only on the first story, a few feet from the ground.

"I have something to show you," Bebe said, taking your hand in hers and walking in a direction.

Your hand started sweating a little, and you noticed hers was too. You realized that she was leading you to the beach, and there was a peaceful silence between the two of you.

Once you both arrived, Bebe quickly turned to you and pulled you closer.

"I-I wanted to ask you out." She mumbled, looking away.

You kissed her cheek and smiled.

"I've been trying to do that for three months." You said and laughed a little. You laughed as well.

~~~~Magical Harp Music~~~~~~~~~~

You looked at the 3 and 5-year-old in front of you and heard your wife's footsteps enter the room.

"And that kids, is how I met your mother."


I hope you liked it! My other book, PJO/HOO/MCGA will be updated soon as well!

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Random Fandoms x Reader oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora