10.1.1 (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse) Aunt May x Fem! Reader

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Alright, I'm back. Took a small break, and then I was confused on what to do with the small bit of free time I had left. And it felt weird, so I'm sticking to my "Go to bed at 1 wake up at 5" schedule. Also, I decided to change it up a little bit. You and Aunt May are younger, I dunno, 18 or something. Your choice.

Requested by sigh100

After I typed that I realized that I got the requests mixed up.

I apologize to sigh100 and LillisRealm for not getting both of yours up sooner. I've got the other one in my drafts and I'm working on it.


Your best friend, and crush, May, had asked you to go to the carnival with her.

You hesitantly agreed, but only because she asked you. If it had been anyone else, you would have declined. You didn't like gatherings of big people, and May was the complete opposite.

As you put on light make up to try and impress her, you heard the doorbell ring.

"Coming!" You shouted, making sure your outfit looked good. 

You opened the door and found May, in jeans and a t-shirt.

"Hello, Y/N!" May greeted with a smile.

"Hi!" You greeted back.

"Let's get going." May said, grabbing your hand, "We don't want to be last in line!


The carnival was being held close to your house, so the walk wasn't far.

As a cold breeze blew by, you shivered. You rubbed your hands on your arms to try and warm them up, but to no avail.

"Why didn't you bring a jacket?" May asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

"I must've forgotten." You said, looking at the ground in embarrassment.

You felt something warm covering your shoulders, and noticed it was her jacket.

"T-Thank y-you." You stuttered out, your cheeks heating up by the second as you became more flustered.

"My pleasure." May said, smirking at you.

Inside, you were internally screeching.

How? What? When? Why? Does she know??  Your thoughts ran wild as you both walked in silence, you still wearing her jacket.

"Tickets, ma'am?" You were pulled from your thoughts as the man at the desk, who was your age, asked.

You gave him your ticket, and his fingers brushed yours. He kept his fingers there a little longer than he should and pulled away, your ticket in his hand.

He gave you a wink and May seemed to sense your unease. She wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer, glaring at the guy that was currently scanning the tickets.

After you both went in, you both headed straight for the carnival rides. First, the teacup, then shoot-a-duck, and so on.

It was 10pm by the time you both had done every ride except for the Ferris wheel.

"Look!" May shouted, pointing at another center in the carnival. You looked in the direction she was pointing, and saw a two player eating contest.

Before you could protest, May was already dragging you over there, a grin plastered on her face. 

"Hello, sir!" You greeted the man at the center.

"'Ello, ladies! Ready ter win, an' m'be owe the other a drink?" The man greeted in a strong accent.

"Yessir!" May exclaimed, winking at you.

You both gave him your coins and took your places at the table.

He set a large plate of Krabby Patties in front of you both. You and May gave each other competitive looks before the bell tolled, signaling the beginning of the contest.

You were immediately were in the lead, because you totally didn't practice this at home in your room.

You took a quick moment to look at May, and regretted it. May gave the loudest burp you had ever heard. Being the immature young adult you were, you burst out laughing. May took this opportunity to quickly start catching up to you, and you couldn't stop laughing.

The bell tolled and the man gave May a giant stuffed bear. Once you had caught your breath, May walked over and grabbed your hand, hoisting you up.

"That wasn't fair." You pouted.

"I can make it up to you." May seemed to be completely comfortable with dragging you by your wrist to places, so you just let her do it. She dragged you to the Ferris Wheel and quickly got on, since there wasn't a line.

You hopped in beside her, and you both were slowly risen into the air, and watched the stars for the moments you were up there in silence.

When the Ferris Wheel started going back down, May turned to you.

"Here." She said, handing you the giant bear she had won.

You blushed and held it close.

The best night ever


I am leaving once again for the weekend, but I shall get a whole bunch of chapters out. 

Fun Fact - I'm feeling worse. (yay)

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