Chapter 28

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She picks up the phone after taking a deep sip of the hot tea releasing a relieved sigh at how much pressure it takes off the mild headache she has. It's heat is wonderful and she manages a smile at it.

"Hey mom"

She hums quietly listening to her mother speak on the other end. Her mothers almost brings the headache back with the words she's speaking and she gives a sigh. Instead of getting upset she forces her shoulders to relax as she takes another deep sip of her tea before speaking again.

"Mom I'm fine, Yes the funeral was this week. I've already gone . . . it was sad really but . . . Garroth stepped up told what basically happened to her. Without the whole Shadow knight bits"

She pauses to listen to her mother speak again this time concerned for her daughter and she gives a soft smile.

"Yes . . . The headaches have been okay . . .getting worse every now and then but okay . . I really appreciate the fresh chamomile . . it did wonders more than the dried stuff I had, really mom"

There's a beep from the phone as she pulls it away to look at the screen recognizing the number and sighs "Mom there's another call incoming I have to take. I love you" Her mom says goodbye telling her to be careful her voice filling with a soft emotion and she nods.

"I will mom. I promise, I gotta go, love you." the call ends picking up the other one on her line


"Travis what is it?" She asked huffing slightly and Lucinda can practically see the eye-roll from where she is. Lucinda can only guess why he's calling her since they hadn't talked since the funeral.

"I did some digging after that stunt you pulled at Jenna's funeral. You know they can trace the book Vylad borrowed from you right?"

"Only his personal family" She hummed quietly knowing where this conversation was headed as she downed the rest of her tea relishing the heat wishing it would linger longer as Travis spoke.

"Lucinda, Exactly! they could come straight to you, we're supposed to be in hiding!"

"So were the knights. They left Video evidence in the police station and the back alley where they left Laurence" She says strictly back. "Not to mention Shad empowered one the day Jenna died. They aren't hiding and they aren't holding back. If The Ro'meaves come here looking for answers that's what I'll give them because then they'll be looking for a fight and I'll give them the right one"

"Luci . . ." Travis trails off in stunned shock and she sighs quietly rubbing her left temple the outburst causing her headache to spike "Are you sure about this"

"Yes"‌ She said softly nodding "I want them to find me when they look for answers because at least then they'll be wanting it."


"Took you long enough" Laurence coughed quietly the sound echoing in the large garage as Zane enters giving him a sour look.

"Your lucky mother let you get away with standing in here alone without someone to babysit" He huffed "Speaking of which . . . are you going to tell our parents about you . . ." He asked as he moved past Laurence pausing to watch his reaction.

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