Chapter 35

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"So are you joining us in the library" Ein's voice filled his ears and Garroth almost could feel the pounding in his head cease a bit as he sighed. He gently massaged his temples for a moment where he sat as his desk

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea" He finally muttered placing his head back on his hands where he was before Ein had walked in.

"Headache right?" Ein's voice drifted closer and Garroth looked up not surprised to find him entering the room standing a few feet away with his hands in his pockets.

". . . You get them, Kawaii~Chan gets them, Aaron" He retorted quietly thinking ". . . I get them too." Garroth hated the way it sounded, like they were suffering from some kind of illness.

"Sometimes focusing on something else helps" Ein murmured quietly shrugging looking down awkwardly "Your brother went to go grab a few books Vylad had today . . . . you want to go see what is in them?"

Garroth closed his eyes feeling the pounding in his head cease a little more. The drums were starting to beat less so he nodded. He didn't have anything better to do and focusing on something to do with Vylad sounded nice. Slowly he rose as Ein left the room at a stride Garroth following his wake. He followed him into the library where his father, brother and Aaron were all waiting quietly taking a seat at the table. Aaron and Ein were once again opposites with garroth on the front side with Zane to the side and his father on the other side.

"Glad to see that nap wasn't worth it" Garte joked quietly and Garroth almost smiled as he sat down shaking his head.

Zane watched the two of them something in his eyes as he sat down setting out the books "Well . . . " He said after a beat "This is what Vylad left at that bookstore. This is the last of the books he had before he was killed."

"You forget Ein and I haven't been here since the beginning" Aaron remarked "What was Vylad doing when he died . . . ."

". . . . He was investigating the relics. It's how he knew about the staff the staff is the last thing he found and hid the location of before he died." Zane replied opening one of the books as Ein stiffened and Aaron moved back in his chair a bit. Garroth was looking at a different one but their reaction caused him to turn to the book as well his own eyes widening.

"I'm not the only one seeing this a-am I" Aaron breathed standing staring at the book as Garte gave the cop a sharp look.

"No . . . " Garroth said staring at it in confusion before realizing what he'd said looking up his face falling as Garte was now looking at him. The headache must have worn down his thinking more then he thought.

"What does it have on it Garroth." He asked calmly crossing his arms as Garroth winced.

". . . . It says only the sight of a relic can behold what's written here" Ein answered for him staying awkwardly quiet looking between the two as Zane sighed leaning back in his seat

"Dont be hard on him Dad . . . . I barely got him to tell me after the funeral" Zane sighed as Garte's gaze moved to Zane for a moment before back on Garroth who was avoiding his fathers gaze staring at the far end of the table next to Aaron. Aaron shuffled nervously back into his chair the loud noise making the air thicker and more awkward then it already was.

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