Chapter 8

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Biting into a double decked sandwich, Garroth let out a groan of satisfaction closing his eyes for a moment as he savored it. His show was on right now and he was taking the chance to watch it while eating a sandwich to forget about earlier.

That was when Zane walked in and switched the channel. Garroth immediately groaned opening his mouth to protest

"Zane I am not watching your stupid pony-" He found himself cut off when Zane hissed slapping a hand on his mouth pointing to the TV. Garroth huffed wrenching it off and looking up before freezing at what was playing

"Witnesses say a bloody beaten man stumbled into the hospital earlier this evening and promptly fell unconscious. We have been told he is okay and is already awake but police are now looking into it."

It then showed a video taken from the scene, of a brunette Garroth knew extremely well. He was severely beaten barely able to walk limping into the Hospital. His right arm was lurching loosely and from the odd angle it was bent, Garroth could safely say it was severely broken. Not to mention the ghastly cuts scattered around kegs and arms.

"What the hell?"


"We're going to see him" Zane said after a moment, as Garroth was still trying to process what he had seen in the video before his eyes widened as his gaze snapped to his brother.

"What do you mean? Why are we gonna visit him?" Garroth huffed glaring at him.

"Garroth, Vylad just got killed and Laurence was running errands for him. What if whoever jumped Laurence was the ones who killed our brother?" Zane argued raising an eyebrow at his sibling

"I highly doubt it and I honestly don't care. Laurence is nothing but a rat, I don't see what could be so important about him" Garroth snapped standing up slamming his chair back into place.

"Garroth. Are you trying to tell me that video didn't bother you? You were never that vicious, they wanted him to suffer immensely" Zane spat not backing down as Garroth took two steps forward getting in his face.

"I'd say I enjoyed it" He sneered staring with a cold callous glare at his brother not letting up.

Zane let him staying put and as Garroth stared, Zane stared back studying him. Garroth was practically emanating rage but Zane could see the other emotions glimmering just under the surface. Fury and hurt, joined with betrayal. But his brother was also blaming himself.

"Fine then I'll go and you can stay here" He rolled his eyes at him brushing past him as he shook his head stupid insecure idiot.


Laurence poked his head out the door checking the cost was clear, his hair now pulled into a short bun away from his face. He ducked back inside his appearance greatly changed from earlier.

The bruises were fading now and the cut was completely gone now. His arm was missing it's cast , it having been cut off, and looked just as healthy as it was two hours ago. He was now wearing a black t-shirt and Jeans, along with a knife belt at his side.

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