Chapter 3

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"Oh!" A squeal rang through the large Italian mansion as a women with black silky hair ran out her pale mint eyes lighting up with excitement. She was wearing a pair of simple black heels and a modest black dress. She was older but her age only added to the elegance she had as she hurried to the door. She smiled as she opened the large doors welcoming in the two young men who were on the steps

"My Zuzu" She cooed going to hug him as he made a face at first before dropping it hugging her gently back before realizing how short she was compared to him chuckling as he stepped back awkwardly

"He's grown hasn't he?' Garroth chuckled "Got himself a girl and everything" He smirked Zane giving him a look of fury before Zianna suddenly smacked Garroth. Garroth reeled back grumbling as he rubbed his arm a grin on Zane's face now.

"Don't you be teasing your brother on his first day back! If my ZuZu has a girl he'll tell me when he wants to" She ordered huffing before grinning hugging Garroth as well smiling "It's so good to see my boys back."

"I wish it was for a decent reason" Zane sighed quietly a bitter edge to his voice as the room grew hushed Zianna taking a sharp intake of breath.

Garroth took a deep breath looking away hiding the hurt in his eyes as he moved away strolling into the massive kitchen next to the large doors quickly opening the fridge.The kitchen was well spaced, shiny white granite counters and elegant sinks showing the money they had.

Zianna shared the look on her face, and Zane hid his eyes looking down studying them both quietly. His mother's eyes were much more tired looking than he last remembered, and Garroth looked like someone was pressing down on him wearing him down. Both were upset as well and Zane couldn't blame them heading into the kitchen his mother following him. She paused in the entryway closing her eyes and then opening them bringing a much happier look to her face.

"So what do you boys plan on doing now? Anything planned?" Zianna asked hopefully, Zane snorting hearing and seeing the want in her voice. She was good at hiding it, but not from him.

"Out with what you want us to do together" He asked curtly raising an eyebrow leaning against the counter behind him.

Garroth hid a snicker hearing Zane as he turned setting a package of ham and a container of mayonnaise on the counter. Zianna moved forward standing at the end of the island with an unimpressed look on her face, crossing her arms.

"Is that how you learned to talk to your mother after attending that institute in Mexico?" She asked dryly raising an eyebrow and Zane gulped shaking his head

"No . . .well I mean . . It's a habit, I can usually read what people are feeling or thinking just by body language . . . .one of the benefits of psychiatry" He shrugged sheepishly turning slightly red "I didn't mean to be rude Mom"

"Of course" Garroth muttered under his breath amused as he plopped into a seat going to take a bite of his sandwich. He was cut short as Zianna snatched the sandwich out of his hands with a demanding look. He looked up wanting to protest but sighed letting letting his hands drop.

"Alright well . . .straight forward isn't bad just remember your manners next time and ask" She said promptly before straightening "Now . . . I had an errand I was going to send Jeffory on but I think you two could use some fun"

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