Chapter 11

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Note: There is quite a bit more language in this chapter as well as another character death (But not one that's recent in the timeline)


"Dont shoot him"

Garroth's gaze never left the sight of Laurence's and the smirk never left the brunette's face, the two staring in silence at each other. Finally he let out a deep sigh feeling all the exhaustion, the worry, the grief and everything of the past week coming out on him as he sent Zane a look

"Yet. I won't shoot him yet" He rephrased his words a glint in his eyes as Laurence chuckled all of the people in the room suddenly aware of the eldest Ro'Meave who was simmering quietly a few feet away from Garroth between him and Laurence.

"Zane Janus Ro'meave, what the hell are you doing?" Her curt voice rang out and everyone in the room gulped as Zane winced slightly.

"If I may-" Laurence began

"No. Your not allowed to speak in my house unless I say otherwise." She snapped narrowing her eyes at him "I don't trust a word that comes out of your mouth, obviously. My son will explain" Her gaze swept back to Zane who gulped before realizing Kawaii~Chan was standing next to him turning slightly red.

"U-Uh . . . he said he knows information about Vylad . . .and he was gonna help us?" Zane said realizing how it sounded cringing more and more.

"And you trusted him?" Garroth was taken aback staring at his brother in disgust "I'm surprised Zane"

"Well don't be" Zane spat meeting his brother's gaze angrily his next words making Garroth's blood boil "I know what I am doing, and if you doubt me, at least it won't be anything new"

"He broke our trust!! He could have gotten me shot Zane! I don't understand how you could even begin to think he's not lying" Garroth snarled getting in his brother's face but was stopped short when Kawaii~Chan suddenly made herself known pushing the big blonde back roughly

"Stop." She snapped her bright yellow eyes suddenly a much darker yellow, a burnished yellow turning orange glowing like fire. "Act like you trust your brother, instead of yelling at him like he doesn't know anything"

"I'm-" Garroth froze as he thought over her words coming to he realization as he slumped sadly his anger cooling rapidly. "I . . .I'm sorry Zane"

"Wow . . . .  someone matured" Laurence muttered offhandedly raising an eyebrow as Zianna's glare snapped to him and he shut up backing up slightly.

Zane stayed silent looking away "Laurence is unarmed, and what's more he warned me to stay away from the cult." He said coldly not looking at his brother. "Then he called back later saying he would help, because if he couldn't keep us out of it, he'd make sure we didn't die."

"That is an awful amount of evidence seeming to say that he's trying to help us" Zianna muttered sighing.

" . . . .He wasn't blackmailed" Garroth muttered looking down quietly as the blonde let out a deep breath, Zianna slowly looking over at him. His mother walked over slowly putting a hand on his shoulder as he opened his eyes looking straight at Laurence who was silent.

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