Chapter 17

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It was quieter now in the Ro'meave household. After all was said and done, Zianna and Garte sent most of them home. 

Garte had shown up not long after Zane left Laurence in the kitchen and Garroth was trying to figure out the best way to talk to him. He couldn't deny that he didn't really know if his father should come with or not on the trip. 

That was what brought Garroth to his parents room waiting outside biting his lip and hesitating to knock. He was about to knock but his hand halted at the sound of quiet inhales. His eyes widened, it was a familiar sound. He'd done the same thing when he'd first gotten the news about Vylad and he had cried in his mother's arms for a solid half hour like that. 

"I'm sorry" His mother's voice whispered but it didn't have the choked up sound that crying did to it and Garroth thought numbly, it was his dad crying. 

"I know . . . " Garte's voice quietly whispered "It's not anyone's fault . . . my brave, darling boy . . . . God what did he get himself into Zianna?" 

Garroth bit his lip his hand slowly falling as he stayed where he was. He was frozen grief gripping his heart like a vice but he didn't cry, he just felt numb.

"He was tricked . . . . but he did protect his family. He was trying to save us doing this business with the relics."

"I know." Garte whispered "I wish I could have been there . . . these past years. . . everything has just blurred . . . I missed out on my family growing right before my eyes . . . ." 

"Garroth did too . . . . but your both still the brave selfless men I know you to be" His mother replied softly love enthralled in her voice. 

". . . .Zianna . . .I love you . . .  even if things happen . . . . if we don't come back . . . I promise we'll end it. We'll end Gene Sanchez. Damn the relics, but Gene will die" 

Garroth finally felt tears fall and he sucked in a silent breath finally stepping away taking a deep breath as he wiped them away messily. His thoughts were fleeing his mind and he shook his head as he headed out to a place he could clear his thoughts staying silent as he left the hallway.


Zane let out a yawn as he leaned against someone quietly. She gave a soft sad smile looking up at the stars as Zane took her hand quietly blushing slightly. 

"Brings back memories" She whispered one blond wolf ear twitching as she looked over her shoulder Zane grumbling as he was forced to move his head off her shoulder. They both saw Garroth who was oddly quiet and he slowly made his way over sitting on the edge of the roof with them his legs dangling over with theirs. He sat next to Zane and he didn't speak but both of the siblings heard the eldest sniffle quietly. 

"Garroth?" Jenna was the first to speak up wondering what had gotten him crying but the lump in her throat told her it was probably the obvious reason.

"I . . . I was outside our parents rooms . . ." He mumbled staring out over the back yard the pool lights below them lighting up the glassy look in his eyes. ". . . .Dad was telling Mother that he loved her in . . in case"

Zane fell silent as all three looked out shocked at the sudden thought. Jenna simply swallowed holding her head up refusing to cry over the thought. Zane felt silent but his looked down at the pool and the patio his mind seeing the fond memories spent in those places. 

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