Chapter 33

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"What do you mean he escaped." Genes voice is commanding in more then the sound and Zenix shivers internally as he speaks because Gene ordered it.

"He was prepared for us sir . . . The first trap failed but the second was encompassed around the building and the add on set it ablaze."

Zenix can feel panic encompassing his soul as Gene steps forward. It's not a good sign.

"You are a knight you should know better then to let yourself get endlessly trapped." He hissed and Zenix hid his flinch on habit as Gene reached out with one hand.

It was going to hurt you did this you failed you should've known better

that kept repeating in his head as Zenix felt the magic on his own soul stir the darker side of him. The part that craved blood and it was beginning to sear. It burned and Zenix bit his lip trying to stay strong and not give in as he fell to the ground on his knees.

Gene went with him disappointing cold red eyes boring into his as his commander kneeled keeping his hand over Zenix's heart. Zenix was crying this time as he bit his lip to hold back a scream.

Finally it stopped and Zenix fell forward onto his knees and hands shivering as he felt the burning sensation leaving a horrible aching empty feeling that tore away at his insides.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry . . . sorry" He whispered nodding accepting it as he attempted to stand keeping his head bowed but pain seizing his middle as he fell to one knee managing to keep the other one propped up even though it hurt. He took a minute before steeling himself gritting his teeth still tasting blood in his mouth before he stood.

It hurt badly but it was better then the punishment so Zenix welcomed it as he stood rigid at attention waiting to be dismissed hoping it would come soon.

Gene suddenly kneels as well turning around and Zenix follows keeping his head bowed to hide the tears as he feels something else outside of Gene arrive. He shudders in shock but doesn't move awe and gratitude creeping up on him.

"You must keep the weapons from the Relics Gene. Don't fail me. You keep the weapons from them you keep me close to returning to my reign in the over world. If they get them they can defeat me if they try"

"Yes Shad." Gene whispered nodding looking up Zenix too scared to event attempt it just glad he's in the presence of his lord having been put in his place already


"Thanks' Mrs.Ro'meave" Katelyn mumbles as she takes the fresh cup of tea being handed to her. She feels out of place sitting in this kitchen in this house. It almost doesn't feel real.

"Your welcome" She said kindly and she walked around Katelyn to her other side settling in the chair next to her. She hated to admit it but Katelyn felt like she was floating just a little bit. Then again her entire world view just got shattered.

"Those two are on their way back" Garte's voice filtered from the doorway and that was one voice that did set Katelyn on edge. She'd heard a lot about the mafia boss and even if she'd grown up with Garroth his Dad still scared her.

The Family BuisnessOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara