𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚

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song mentioned in chapter:
long way down by one direction


reagan's pov:

all week jaden has been by my side. we had movie nights with bryce and ivy, went out to lunch together, and built forts in the living room. he was slowly getting back to his old self, making jokes and laughing like he used to.

everything is seeming to go perfectly... almost too perfect.

today, i was recording a cover in the studio to promote my album. it's still a work in progress but it's something in the meantime. jaden is coming along with me, saying he wanted to take me out after.

ivy, bryce, jaden and i showed up at the studio, only for me to be torn away from them to set up the mic levels and do a quick rehearsal. after that i was directed back to my dressing room, only to hear screaming and yelling coming from behind the door. i cautiously opened it to find bryce holding ivy back as she swung her arms towards jaden, who was sitting on the couch with a frightened look on his face.

"woah, woah, woah, what the hell is going on" i asked, looking at the three.

"he took my doritos!" ivy yelled, swinging her arms around as she tried to break free from bryce's hold on her.

"it was an accident! i said sorry and gave them back" jaden replied to ivy.

"no you didn't! i have no doritos anymore because you took them" she continued.

"they're next to your purse" i said, walking over and picking up the bag.

"oh" she said, calming down instantly.

bryce let her go and she apologized to jaden before walking over to me.

"girl talk" she said before grabbing her purse and dragging me out the door.

she pulled me throughout the hallways until she found an empty bathroom and pulled me in, shutting the door and locking it behind her.

"are you okay? you've been snapping at every little thing the last few days, you yell at our tv for the loading the other day" i asked as she looked around the small bathroom.

"i think i'm pregnant" she blurted out, finally looking at me.

"what? h-how? i mean i know how but-" i stammered as ivy began to pace around the bathroom.

"i- it was only one time and i thought i was good, but then my periods late and i'm angry and sad all the time, and i want to cry at everything! i cried when we ran out of milk!" she said, panic clear in her voice.

"have you talked to bryce?" i asked, grabbing her arms so she would stop moving around.

"no, what if he says i should have been more careful o-or that it's my fault and leaves-" she started, tears welling up in her eyes.

"no, this is not your fault, it takes two to make a baby. and bryce loves you, he wouldn't leave you over something like this" i reassured her. "have you taken a test?"

she moved over to her purse, which she tossed on the counter, pulling out a pregnancy test box.

"i bought one on my way here, when i went inside to get the chips, and i was going to take it- but... i'm scared" she said, immediately falling into my arms crying.

i tried to calm her down the best i could, stroking her hair as she cried into me. "it's okay, everything is going to be okay" i said quietly.

"okay here's what we're going to do. we are gonna take this test together, and no matter what happens i'm here for you, okay?" i asked as she pulled away from me.

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