𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚

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reagan's pov:

bryce and the other boys kicked everyone out of the large house, leaving me and ivy sitting on the couch, and me still in my soaked clothes. my hair was wet, makeup a mess, clothes soaked, and shoes soggy. i knew i shouldn't have gone to this party.

"are you okay?" ivy asked, breaking the silence between the two of us.

"yeah... no... i don't know" i said, a small frown placed on my face.

"i won't say i told you so, because i didn't think that this is how it would happen" she said, wrapping her arm around my shoulder, but pulling it away when she remembered i was drenched in water.

my phone had fallen in the pool with me, so it was currently sitting in a bowl of rice in the kitchen.

"can we just go home? i need a shower and to change" i asked, turning to my best friend.

"i kinda promised bryce i'd stay a little longer, but i'll call you an uber" she offered. of course she did.

i'm not mad at her, or anyone for that matter. ivy deserves to have a little fun after me and chase's fight ruined the party. and as for chase, i really should have expected this. he has been distant and not as loving as before. plus all the lying and cheating part isn't a bonus.

bryce and jaden walking into the living room where ivy and i sat, ivy immediately perking up as bryce sat next to her. jaden was now in gray sweatpants and shirtless, his hair was wet, either from a shower or the pool i wasn't sure. he didn't look how i thought he would. her had a sleeve of tattoos running from his neck all the way down to his hand on one side, something i didn't notice earlier. his body was... just wow.

"great now the couch is wet" jaden grumbled, sitting in a chair opposite the couch.

i stood up abruptly, shooting a death glare jaden's way. so he was being an asshole, then followed me around, then pulled me out of the pool, and now is being an asshole again, he has come full circle.

"ivy just call the uber, i'll go home" i mumbled, turning to walk to the kitchen to grab my probably broken phone.

jaden stood up from his spot and walked over to me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me in the opposite direction. i turned to see ivy and bryce slowly disappearing, ivy a confused look on her face while bryce just smirked.

jaden pulled me into a room, i assumed was his, and shut the door before turning to me.

"you can shower here and i can let you barrow some clothes" he said with a straight face.

"um why?" i asked, puzzled yet not surprised at yet another mood change.

"do you don't get the ubers car all wet" he said to me as if it were obvious. "he shouldn't have to clean up after your mess"

"my mess? i'm sorry that i tripped and fell in your pool after i found my boyfriend kissing some random girl. my bad" i shot back at him.

he stepped closer and opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it and stared into my eyes again. whatever force inside me telling me to kiss him was shut down when he turned and opened another door and going inside it, leaving me alone in the room.

i walked to the other side of the room, seeing another door and opened it. it was the bathroom. it had a huge glass standing shower and a large bathtub, as well as a his and her sink that had one side completely empty. i took a deep breath, looking into the mirror at my appearance.

i looked like a mess, my eyeliner had run down my cheek with my mascara, and my eyes were still bloodshot from the chlorine. i quickly pealed the cold wet clothes off my body, leaving me in my plain black bra and underwear. it wasn't the cutest thing i could have worn but how was i supposed to know i would be showering in a strangers home?

the door opened behind me and jaden walked in before pausing as he looked up and saw how little i was wearing.

"do you knock?" i asked, trying to cover up my body the best i could.

he just looked at me, slowly walking closer to me. my breath was caught in my throat and my heart pounded harder the closer he got. his eyes left mine briefly as he looked up and down my body, examining it.

he got close to my face, practically inches away while closing the distance between up, his lips grazing mine slightly.

"your knee is bleeding" he whispered, pulling his face away.

i looked down and sure enough, there was a small line of blood running down my leg, beginning at my knee.

jaden had gone into a cabinet in the bathroom and pulled out a first aid kit. he motioned for me to sit on the counter and i did. he got down to level with my knee and began to clean the blood off my leg. he looked up at me and smirked. i was confused until i realized the compromising position i was in. the butterflies soon came back and began fluttering rapidly in my stomach. i was completely invested in my thoughts imagining jaden pinning me against the wall when an intense burning sensation began at my knee. i looked down and saw jaden putting the hydrogen peroxide on the cut.

i bit my lip to keep from making any sounds of agony that could be taken a different way. jaden looked up at me, seeing me bit my lip and his eyes shifted from a light blue to a darker deep shade of blue.

he stood up and moved in between my legs, me still biting my lip. his hand came up an caressed my cheek before him thumb pulled my lip away from my teeth.

"don't do that" he said, his voice deeper than before.

"don't do what?" i asked, i was sure i knew what he meant but i wanted to hear him say it.

"don't. bit. your. lip." he said, moving closer to me with every word.

our faces were so close, almost touching. he moved in a little more, his lips barely meeting mine. my eyes fluttered shut, preparing for what was about to happen. his lips grazed lightly over mine again before the disappeared all together.

i opened my eye, seeing no sign jaden was there at all, minus the clothes sitting on the counter he had come in with.

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