𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙬𝙤

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reagan's pov:

my head fell from side to side and my throat felt tight, like someone had a grip on it but there was no hand. i opened my eyes slightly, my vision clouded and foggy. i could barely make out the interior of old van that we had traveled here in. i could feel the carpet underneath me, but my legs felt completely stiff.

i could barely hold my eyes open long enough to make out a blurry figure, slowly crawling towards my limp, lifeless body.

"b-brandon" i muttered, barely able to make the words come out of my mouth.

the light, almost numb feeling of hands moving up my thighs, pulling them apart. my eyes were open as wide as i could get them, and the once blurry image in front of me, clearing up to show brandon's with a sinister look on his face.

"what are you..?" i asked, mumbling.

"don't worry, i'm gonna make you feel good" his voice sounded deep and scary. i had heard those words before, but not from brandon, from jaden.

his hands continued up my legs, moving up past my shorts and undoing them quickly.

"brandon- stop!" i attempted to yell, barely getting the words out louder than a mumble.

he ignored me and continued, tugging the fabric down my limp legs and tossing it behind him.

"please stop!" i cried, my cheeks getting wet with the tears that had fallen out of my eyes.

i tried to move my arms to shove brandon's body off me, but they wouldn't budge. it was like i was paralyzed, completely stuck.

"get off me!" i tried to yell again, only coming out as a whisper.

i shot up in bed, my body covered in sweat as i tried to catch my breath. my heart pounded against my chest. i looked around my room, seeing that i was alone. i was thankful i was able to wake up before anything happened, i wasn't always that lucky.

i pushed myself out of bed and grabbed my phone, not caring to look at the time as i left my room and headed to the bathroom. i turned on the light, seeing my appearance reflected back at me in the mirror. my hair was half out of the messy bun i had placed it in before going to sleep, my face was marked with tears having fallen down my face, and my body glistened with sweat.

i looked down at my hands, seeing the indents i had left in my palms from digging my nails into them. i hadn't done that in years. i pushed the thoughts from my mind, stripping the sweaty clothes from my body and starting the shower. i turned on the speaker i had in the bathroom and it automatically connected to my phone. i grabbed it, finally seeing the time. "3:37 am" the screen read. i smiled as i looked at my background, pressing and holding the screen to play the live photo. it was a picture of me and jaden from the day we filmed the video for my channel.

jaden shut off the water before grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my wet body. he grabbed one for himself and wrapped it around his waist, the towel hanging dangerous low on his hips. i was almost positive it was going to fall off.

we both walked out of the shower and stopped in front of the sinks, jaden wiping down the mirror. i smiled at him, picking up my phone and opening the camera. jaden stood behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist as i positioned the phone and took a phone.

jaden after quickly pressed a kiss to my cheek before returning to his previous position, with his head resting on my shoulder.

i laughed as he did that, putting my phone down and turning to face him. i reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down as i planted a short kiss on his lips.

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