Hawks x neko reader

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A/n: This was inspired by nitrocelxius' Hawks tiktok. They post a lot of AMAZING Hawks content on their Tiktok and Instagram so please go check out their artwork. Here's the link to the specific Tiktok
(Also I'm obsessed with Haikyuu now so a certain character will make a cameo ;).)

Your POV:

The smell of liquor filled my senses as I walked into the bar. The chatter of all the people around filled my ears. I spotted an empty seat at the bar and sat down, placing my purse on my lap. The bartender turned to me and surprise and recognition filled his eyes. He blinked twice before putting on a smile and making his way over to me. He appeared to be a little younger than me with a soft glint in his eye and a slight excitement in his movement.

"H-hello ma'am, what can I serve you today?" He asked.

I fought the urge to giggle, knowing he recognized who I was.

"I'll take a glass of red wine please," I ordered.

"Coming right up!" 

I gave the bartender a smile and waited patiently. I glanced around the bar, taking note of my surroundings. My ears twitched at louder sounds and my tail whipped around slightly. I could sense eyes on me, I knew people would recognize me, fortunately, no one has come up to me yet.

"Hey cutie, mind if I buy you a drink?'"  A slurred voice reached my ears. 

And there it is.

My tail wagged a little and my ears were upright.

I turned to see a man with a smirk leaning a little too close to me. He had a drink in his hand and was tapping his fingers against the table with the other. I felt a negative vibe coming from him, so I gave him a cold stare.

"No thank you," I replied curtly while turning and moving my body further from him.

The bartender placed my drink in front of me and I thanked him. I took a sip and gripped my glass tighter, noticing the man was eyeing me up and down. I placed my hand over the top of my drink before turning to look at him.

"I'd appreciate it if you stopped ogling me the way a child does to a piece of candy." I gave him a harsh glare.

The man glared back and stood up.

"You're not even that attractive you b*tch."

I smirked at his reply and gave him a wave. I ensured he had left before turning back.

"I'm very s-sorry that he insulted you like that. Some men just don't know how to treat women." The bartender gave me a sympathetic smile.

A small laugh escaped my lips before I replied.

"No need to apologize for that mans crude behavior and you're right about that. Some of these"men", I raised my hands in quotation marks, "are really just boys whose bodies grew up but their minds didn't."

The bartender chuckled as he cleaned a glass. 

"You're not wrong there, ma'am."

I smiled at his response before taking another sip of my drink. I felt my body relax after I finished the wine and I glanced around the bar again. My eyes came across a section marked VIP. I narrowed my eyes curiously and noticed the number 2 hero, Hawks, sitting there. He was wearing casual clothing that complimented his form well. His red wings were closed and on the back of his seat. He was talking to some other man who sat on the other side. I tilted my head and my ears tilted forward and my tail swayed slightly in interest. I noticed some women come up to him from behind his seat and their intentions were as clear as crystals, yet it appeared he denied their advances. Their dejection showed in their reactions with slumped shoulders and slightly slouched forms as they walked away. I noticed some people were eyeing him as well, their hands covering their mouths to whisper, most likely in shock upon finding themselves so close to such a popular hero.

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