Katsuki x reader 2/2

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A/n: I lowkey miss being in love lmao. Anyway, here's part 2. Enjoyyyy

Your POV:

My throat tightened just slightly as I locked eyes with piercing red ones.

His usual scowl faltered for a second, surprise filling his eyes.

My eyes ripped away from his gaze and took in his appearance. His arms looked even more muscular but still attractive. He wore a black v neck that still revealed his sculpted figured. He had joggers on that clung to his waist.

"Oi stupid face you just gonna stand and drool over me?"

I snapped my eyes back at his face that wore a smirk and teasing eyes.

It's been so long since I've seen him, and I'm already embarrassing myself!

I stared at him and my raging heart and pulsing race answered a question I've had this whole time.

I'm still in love with him.

"Your silence and the dopey face you have on are only feeding my ego, stupid face." His smirk widened.

I blinked as I registered his words.

"Uh I uh sorry Bakugo," I responded nervously.

I remembered where we were currently standing and I moved out of the way, avoiding his fierce playful gaze.

"I'm guessing you needed to use the bathroom. Sorry I took too long," I added quickly. I took a couple steps forward, wishing to go throw myself from the nearest bridge.

I took a slight glance back at him and caught confusion written on his face. His lips had parted but closed as he turned back and entered the bathroom.

I stopped moving and sighed. My heartbeat was loud, pounding in my ears. I could feel the warmth residing in my cheeks and I groaned.

"Idiot. I thought I got over you," I whispered to myself.

I took a glance back at the shut door before walking back to the party. I spotted Mina getting herself a drink. I made my way to her and tapped her shoulder.

She turned to look at me, her smile fading a little as she took in my facial expression.

"Why didn't you text me Bakugo had arrived!?" I whisper yelled.

She giggled nervously as she scratched the nape of her neck.

"Mina I just made an absolute fool of myself in front of him," I whined.

She took a glance behind me before turning back to me.

"Ok first, you went to the bathroom, I didn't think you'd be in there long enough to check your phone. Second, he just looked this way and I know for sure that quick soft gaze was directed to you." She replied.

My eyes widened as her last words reached my ears.

"He looked this way?" Mina nodded.

"He had a soft gaze?" Mina nodded again.

"Are you sure?" Mina arched an eyebrow.

"And you said you were over him," She teased.

"Well after our encounter at the bathroom, I realized I'm still very in love with that angry blonde porcupine." A heavy sigh escaped my lips.

A small frown grew on Minas lips as she rubbed my shoulder soothingly.

"Y/n, I don't think he'd send you a soft gaze if he didn't feel anything for you," She reassured me softly.

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