Bakugo x reader

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Bakugo POV

My eyes snapped open as smoke filled my nose causing me to cough. I looked at my surroundings and noticed smoke coming into the room. I jumped out of the bed and opened the door to see the flames coming towards my room and the rooms around me.

What the f-

My thoughts were cut short when the flames grew larger and started nearing faster. My eyes began to sting from the smoke and I realized the other doors were open and the rooms were vacant.

I quickly closed the door and made my way the window.

"Damn it these idiots didn't even try to wake me up! "I growled.

I opened the window and looked down and saw the other students. Kirishima looked up and saw me. I heard him yell something, but I couldn't make up what he said. The cool air of the night was a relief compared to the intense heat that was feeling up my room along with the smoke.

"Damn it. I'm going to have to jump." I muttered angrily.

I slip my legs to the other side and jumped. I used my quirk to blast up slightly to keep myself from plummeting downwards. I reached the ground and Kirishima rushed towards me.

"Bakugo, are you okay!?" He asked.

"I'm fine you idiot. Thank you so much for warning me about the fire." I spat.

"We didn't have time to wa-" He began but I cut him off.

"Where is Y/n?" I asked as I failed to see my girlfriends face in the crowd. I turned back to the building seeing as it was consumed by the flames.

"SHE'S STILL IN THERE!" I yelled at Kirishima.

I began to run towards the burning building ignoring the warnings of my classmates.

"Bakugo, no don't!" Kirishima yelled after me.

Suddenly, an explosion erupted from the building. The force caused me to fall back harshly. Luckily, I wasn't injured but the immense heat surrounded me once again. My ears rang, and I blinked. I heard a muffled voice and someone shaking me. Finally, I could hear properly again, and I heard Kirishima telling me to get up.

I looked at the building and remembered why I was running towards.

"Y/n?" I mumbled.

I stared at the building as tears brimmed my eyes.

"Y/N!" I yelled in desperation.

I gasped as I sat up in my bed. My heart was pounding as I tried to calm myself down. I took in my surroundings, realizing I was in my bed.

"It was just a dream." I said aloud into the silence.

I smiled as I felt tears brim my eyes.

"She's not actually gone. It was just a dream." I said to myself.

I looked at my clock which read 12:01.

"She's still awake at this time" I reached for my phone, "I need to see her."

I texted her asking if she could meet up in the hallway. She responded back immediately and agreed.

I waited for her arrival in the hallway. I made sure to make the minimal noise possible ensuring I don't get caught.

"What's so important you made me go to the boy's level and meet you up at 12 in the morning?" I heard Y/n's voice whisper behind me.

I swiftly turned and pulled her into my arms causing her to let out a small squeak.

"Okay something must be very wrong you're not usually like this." She spoke into my shoulder.

Images of the dream flashed back into my head and I tightened my grip around her. She wrapped her around me and I relished in her touch.

She's alive.

I finally pulled away and I felt myself blush as she gave me a confused look. I scratched my nape sheepishly before telling her about the dream. She listened intently as I told her how it felt so real. I had to swallow thickly when I mentioned her being trapped inside as the building exploded.

"Katsuki I-" She began but I cut her off.

"It felt so real." I admitted in a shaky voice.

She gave me a soft smile before pulling me into her arms.

"It was just a dream. I'm fine. I'm alive and I don't plan on leaving your side anytime soon." She reassured me.

She pulled away and I realized I had let myself appear very weak. My blush was still intense, so I turned my head hoping the darkness would hide it.

"Tch better not or I'll drag you back to me." I replied with fake humph.

I crossed my arms in attempt to appear like my usual self. She rolled her eyes and smiled. The moon light up her smile more and I felt my heart melt at the sight.

God I'm in love with you.

I smirked and pulled her close.

"I love you." I whispered against her lips.

"I love you, too." She replied before connecting our lips, leaving me in a complete puddle of bliss.

BNHA x reader one shots (Requests Are Closed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon