Iida x reader 2/2

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Your Pov:

The whole morning I felt a sense of nervousness about asking Iida out. His words from my dream played over and over again like a record player. I still had enough courage in me to ask him out and I made a plan to do at lunch.

~minutes before lunch~

"Gah Ochaco I don't know if I can do it. I mean he treats me the same way he does to everyone else so I doubt he likes me." I whispered to her.

"Oh come on Y/n, I'm sure he'll say yes. Also he smiles more when you're around so I'm sure he likes you." She said with a reassuring smile.

As I was about to respond, the bell rung and everyone filed out for lunch.

"He'll say yes, I know he will." She spoke again as we walked out.

The whole time we were in line, I was silent, the only sound coming from me rubbing my hands together nervously

Ochaco rolled her eyes and looked behind me. I saw a cheeky grin appear on her face and she began waving.

I turned and saw Iida walking towards with a small smile on his face. I turned back and glared at her as she grinned even wider.

"Here's your chance." She squealed.

"But I'm not rea-"

"Hello Uraraka, and hello L/n!" He greeted us formally.

His smiled seemed to be a bit bigger and I felt my heart fluttered a little at the sight.

"Um hi Iida." I squeaked out.

"Oh there's Deku! I'm going to talk to him. See you two later!" She exclaimed before running off and sending me a sly wink.

I stood there stunned for a moment before looking back at the tall boy.

"Strange, I don't see Midoriya but maybe she just randomly spotted him." Iida mumbled as he looked into the crowd. I facepalmed as his brow arched from confusion as he searched for the green haired boy.

He turned back to me and there was a hint of pink on his cheeks.

"So what will you be eating L/n?' He asked giving me his full attention.

"Um (f/f)?" I responded in sort of a question.

"Sounds delicious! I hope you get full from your meal so you can have energy for later activities." He responded in his Iida way.

"Y-yeah..." I trailed off.

He looked at me with concern and lowered his head a little to my level.

"Y/n are you okay?" He asked.

My shocked eyes met his concerned ones as my mouth spoke without me thinking.

"You said my first name."

His face suddenly became shocked as he sputtered an apology.

I instinctively covered his mouth with my hand to shut him up.

"I-it's fine, I like you saying my first name." I reassured him.

His eyes glanced down at my hand and before I could take it off, he grabbed it and pressed a gentle kiss to my knuckles. My heart went wild.

"Then may I have the honor of calling you by your first name?" He asked smoothly.

All I could do was nod as my mind replayed what had just happened a couple seconds ago.

It seems my mind lost all sense of intelligence because I couldn't stop myself from saying the words that escaped my lips.

"I like you."

He grinned widely and pulled me into him as I realized he was still holding my hand.

"Well that is only the most greatest of news because the feelings are reciprocated," he paused and leaned close to my ear, "my dear Y/n."

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