Villain!Kirishimaxreader 2/3

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I groaned as I shifted my head to the side, attempting to ease some of the pain in my neck.

I accidentally tugged at my wrists causing the rope to dig into my skin.

"Crap," I muttered as I winced from the pain.

"The brats awake."

I turned to the side and noticed Shigaraki at the bar with Kirishima and Kurogiri.

I rolled my eyes at them and Shigaraki scoffed.

"I wouldn't roll my eyes at my captor if I were you," He threatened.

I glared at him before slumping down on the chair. Shigaraki walked over to me and grabbed my face with four fingers.

"Maybe I should just disintegrate your face," He murmured.

I swallowed nervously and tried to pull my face away.

"Shigaraki remember we are only to hurt her when trying to get answers," Kurogiri reminded him.

Shigaraki tched and released me. I sighed in relief thinking I was safe, until my face jerked to the side, and I felt a stinging pain spread through my face.

I gasped and released a painful groan. Tears stung my eyes and I shut them in an attempt to get rid of them. I heard another small gasp and I opened my eyes to see Kirishima looking at me with guilt and worry.

"I slap you and yet you still don't even look at me," Shigaraki spoke.

I glanced at Shigaraki although I couldn't see his face, I knew he was mad.

I noticed him ball his fist and I felt a chill run down my spine.

"Kurogiri, I think it's time to get some answers," He chuckled.


"That's enough Shigaraki. She isn't going to tell you anything right now," Kurogiri spoke sternly. Shigaraki released my hair that he was using to hold my head up. He walked away finally letting me be after torturing me.

My head laid limply against my chest and I felt blood trickle down from my lip and nose. I winced as my head pounded from the blows.

I closed my eyes, aching for some relief from the pain and the wounds scattered over my arms.

"Kid, clean her up." I heard Shigaraki order.

I heard two pairs of footsteps walk away and one come near me.

A hand gingerly touched my shoulder and I flinched.

I opened my watery eyes and came face to face with Kirishima.


Y/n opened her eyes and I felt something break inside me.

Her eyes were watery and I fought the urge to wipe away her tears.

"I'm sorry, L/n," I blurted out.

She scoffed and I frowned, feeling that strange sensation again in my chest.

Even beaten down and sad she looks so beautiful.

Wait, what. Beautiful?

I shook the thought away and focused back on the girl in front of me who refused to speak to me.

I looked her over and counted her injuries.

I stood up and murmured an 'I'll be back'.

I felt a strange anger reside in me towards Shigaraki after seeing what he did to her.

I shouldn't be this angry for what he did. I'm on their side not hers.

I opened the closet that had the first aid kit and took it out along with wipes.

Why does it feel wrong thinking that though? This all feels wrong. Y/n is doing something to me.

I walked back to Y/n and noticed her asleep. My heart raced at the sight of her cute face dozed off.

A frown grew on my face at the sight of all her injuries and the pained look on her face.

I knelt down and took out some wipes and gently wiped any blood I saw. Y/n stirred a bit but remained asleep and I released a breath of relief.

Placing the bloody wipes in the bag I had brought as well, I cringed at how much blood there was in them. My heart suddenly churned as I gazed back at her.

I disinfected her wounds and bandaged them carefully.

I noticed the small cut on her lip and pouted as I inspected it.

I gazed over her lips once again but this time not because of the cut.

Her lips look very kissable...wait, I can't be thinking this. But man if only I could  get her to even want to kiss me.

I ripped my gaze away from her lips and gently fixed her position on the chair.

Guilt flooded my veins as I looked her up and down.

Why? Why did I choose this life again? Looking at Y/n like this, I can barely stomach it.

I tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear and softly cupped her face. My heart raced as she leaned onto my hand. I pursed my lips as my heart made a decision that I wouldn't be able to change.

"I'm getting you out of here."

A/n: Sooo there's gonna be a part 3 since it's turning out to be longer than I thought. Stay tuned!!

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