Tokoyami x reader 2/2

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Tokoyamis POV:

Class ended and I quickly made my way to Ashido. She was alone at the moment so I took my chance. I noticed L/n had already made her way to the door and I sighed in relief.

"Pardon me Ashido." I cleared my throat awkwardly.

She looked up at me and she narrowed her eyes. From the look on her face, I put together that she knew.

"Before you begin, let me explain. I lied that I don't like L/n and that I find her annoying because I wanted Dark Shadow to leave me alone. He had been bothering me about my feelings and I didn't want to admit them because he'd force me to confess. I was worried that L/n wouldn't feel the same hence why I lied. I actually have strong feelings for her. I don't find her annoying at all on the contrary, everything about her captures my attention," I explained, begging internally that she'd believe me.

She was silent for a moment before a tiny squeal escaped her lips. I flinched back at the sound.

"Are you alright?" I asked quizzically.

"Awww Tokoyami that's so cute!" She squealed.

"Um thank you? Anyway, I came to you to ask for help. I need to make it up to her." I looked at her with pleading eyes.

This is nothing like me. L/n sure has had an affect on me.

Ashido grinned and crossed her arms.

"Alright Tokoyami, whatcha need?"

--later that day at the dorms--

I paced back and forth as I awaited for L/n to arrive. I glanced at the mini arrangement Ashido helped me make. It was a banner that said "I'm sorry" and many of her favorite snacks and flowers. I bought her favorite movies and drink as well. I even bought a plushy of her favorite animal.

"Mina, what do you need that is so important?"

My heart began racing at her voice.

"Seriously what- Tokoyami?"

I snapped my eyes towards hers. She looked surprised as she glanced around at the things in front of me. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Ashido sneak away. I held the banner up and L/n read it. She slowly walked up to me and I walked forward, getting in front of the table.

"L/n, what you heard earlier was not true. You're not annoying at all," I began.

She locked eyes with me and my heart hammered even harder against my chest.

"When I said I didn't like you, that was the biggest lie I've told. The truth is, I like you a lot, L/n. We haven't had many interactions but any we've had have caused my fondness towards you to grow. Your beautiful lips that curl into your lovely smile capture my heart every time. I wish to have your heavenly eyes locked with mine constantly. I desire to hold your hand everyday and show the whole world that the loveliest girl has claimed my heart and I've claimed hers." My hands trembled a little from my nerves as she remained quiet.

My racing heart began to race from worry as she was still quiet.

See Dark Shadow? This is why I didn't want to do it.

I lowered the banner in defeat and backed up.

"My apologies I should've just-oomph"

I widened my eyes in shock as I realized L/n was hugging me, her arms tightly wrapped around my neck. I held the banner in one hand and wrapped them both around her.

"I like you, too." She squeeze a little tighter and I returned the gesture.

She pulled away and smiled brightly at me. She pressed a kiss to my cheek and I felt heat race to my face.

L/n giggled at my reaction and I cleared my throat. She glanced behind me and grinned like a child.

"Is all of that really for me?" She asked in disbelief.

"Of course, my love." I moved away so she could grab the things.

She squealed like a child as she grabbed her drink and took a sip.

So cute...

She turned to me and lifted the straw towards me. I shyly bent down and took a sip. She smiled and took another sip herself. She turned back to all the things settled on the table.

"You know Tokoyami, you didn't have to do all this," She said softly.

I placed the banner down and turned her around.

"L/n, I messed up and had to make it up to you. You're a queen who deserves only the best," I replied while caressing her cheek softly.

She smiled at the gesture and grabbed my other hand. She laced our fingers and my heart fluttered.

"Even though this day didn't go well at the beginning, it sure ended great," She said sweetly.

I chuckled softly.

"I couldn't agree more."

BNHA x reader one shots (Requests Are Closed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang