Bakugo x reader Pt 4

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An: Final part to the Bakugo x reader mini series.

Your POV:

My body begged for rest as I was escorted to a room. I had spent 2 hours telling them everything I knew and I needed a break.

"Young L/n." I heard All Might call.

I turned to see the hero walking towards me with a small smile.

"Yes, All Might?" I replied.

"Officer, I can take it from here. I would like to talk to L/n for a moment." All Might told the officer.

The man nodded and left. All Might turned back to me and I stared at him wondering what he needed.

"Young L/n, I know you're very tired from todays events but I had a small feeling that you would like to speak to certain blonde." He said in a low voice.

My ears perked and my eyes light up as I knew he was talking about Bakugo.

He chuckled a little before beckoning me closer. I eagerly got closer hoping he would allow me to contact the boy I loved.

"Ah it's always nice to see young love," he said as he looked at my face before continuing,"but anyway I believe speaking to Young Bakugo might help you calm down about everything that is happening."

I found myself nodding and I blushed realizing what I was doing.

All Might smiled and spoke again.

"I asked Nedzu for a favor of obtaining Young Bakugo's mothers number. Fortunately, he gave it to me and if you're willing I'll call right now and ask Mrs.Bakugo if I can speak to Young Bakugo and hand you the phone."

"All Might you would really do that for me?" I asked in disbelief.

He laughed a little before ruffling my hair.

"You're still a child L/n and you deserve to be free from this torture that Shigaraki put you through, so of course I would." He replied.

He lifted up his phone I presumed and dialed Mrs.Bakugos number.

A few seconds passed and she answered.

All Might told her the situation and I stood there trying to contain my excitement.

Suddenly, it dawned on me that maybe Bakugo doesn't even want to speak to me.

I felt my chest get heavy as I wondered if he hates me now.

I didn't have a choice, please understand that.

I was snapped from my thoughts as a phone came into view. I hesitantly took it and All Might smiled at me one more time before leaving to give me some privacy I suppose.

I gulped nervously before placing the phone to my ear.

"Oi is anyone there?" Bakugos voice filled my ear.

"Um hi Bakugo." I replied nervously.

I shut my eyes as it went silent on his end.

He hates me doesn't he.

"L/n, you're okay."

His voice sounded like he was relieved, and I felt a weight lift from my shoulders.

I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding before responding.

"Yes, I actually came back for help because I-" I felt my throat tighten as tears stung my eyes.

"I couldn't take it anymore. I hated being forced to be part of them so my younger brother wouldn't be killed." I finished as a few tears slipped through.

He was silent, so I continued.

"I hated every moment with them. I hated the fact that my parents were ripped away from me and murdered. I hated the fact that they made me their puppet."

I squeezed my shut, trying to get the tears to stop flowing.

"And I hated the fact that I let the boy I fell for down. I hate the fact that I let YOU down." I added.

I felt my nerves increase as I finally admitted to the boy I loved how I felt.


His voice sent a shiver down my spine.


"Do you really like me?"

I chuckled a little at the question.

"I thought it was obvious and I just told you that I love you so-" I clasped hand over my mouth as the last words escaped my lips.

Well he didn't know that I LOVE him.

I facepalmed myself as it once again went silent on his part.

I mean why would he even like me after all this?

It was still painfully silent until he finally spoke again.

"Well L/n-"

"Listen, I know that I have a really messed up past and I was a villain so I understand if you don't even like me." I interrupted as I didn't want to hear his stinging words of rejection.

"Dumbass who said I didn't like you. I f*cking love you L/n. Seeing you earlier today when that f*cker took you made me want to blow him to pieces."

I felt heat rush to my cheeks and my heart beat wildly as his words registered in my brain.

"I know that what just happened is a lot but I can't stop these sh*tty feelings inside me from wanting to find you and protect you from all those assholes. You said it yourself, you were f*cking forced to do this so you wouldn't lose your brother. I can't f*cking hate you for that."

I felt more tears slip at his last words.


"The only reason I hate you is because you're so f*cking loveable and you make my sh*tty heart beat fast and my brain go blank."

A laugh escaped from my lips upon hearing his last words.

"Even your sh*tty laugh is like music to my ears L/n." He grumbled.

I felt myself smile, and I wiped away the tears on my face before responding.

"You know a lot of people will dislike you for loving the girl who used to be a villain."

I heard him tch at my words.

"F*ck what everyone thinks. I f*cking love you L/n. I don't care what they say or do but I'm still going to f*cking love you."

My smiled widened and I felt his words reassure me.

"I love you too, Bakugo."

He tched and I could almost feel his smirk through the phone.

"Call me Katsuki."

I giggled before speaking again.

"Okay then well I love you, Katsuki."

It was quiet for a second before his voice filled my ear again.

"I love you too, Y/n."

No ones POV:

They both smiled at their phones as they proclaimed their love for each other.

Their hearts filled with love as they both knew that they will endure whatever comes in the future, as long as they have each other.


All Might glanced up (from the waiting room) and smiled as he noticed L/n smile and laugh at whatever Bakugo was telling her.

"Ah young love." He chuckled to himself before going back to what he was doing.

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