Tamaki x reader

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(AN: The reader has been dating someone for a couple of months and in the past weeks they've been acting a little shady and suspicious.)

I looked around the halls, waiting patiently for my boyfriend. We were going to watch a movie ,since he had been very busy these past weeks. I waited another minute before walking towards the parking lot of the school. 

"Maybe he expected me to meet him at his car." I said to myself.

"H-hey L/n" A voice from behind me spoke.

I turn and see Tamaki standing there with sheepish smile. I smile at the shy boy before answering,

"Hey Tamaki, what's up?" 

He seemed to get red, his face slightly scrunched as if he was debating what to say. 

"N-nothing I just saw you walking alone and I thought I'd join you"  He suddenly paused, before quickly adding, "O-only if you don't mind."

I smiled at his words and actions.

"Sure Tamaki. I'm actually heading to my boyfriends car." I responded.

Something flashed in his eyes when I said the last part but he still slightly grinned. We began walking again, making light conversation, when I my eyes landed on something I did't want to see. My boyfriend was leaning against his car making out with some girl. 

I felt my heart drop. Tamaki followed my eyes and gasped as he saw what I was seeing. A single tear slid down my face as I balled my fist in anger.

"Oh my gosh, L/n-" Tamaki began.

"That bastard." I growled. 

I felt a hand lightly touch my shoulder, but I moved it away and marched towards the two. I pulled him away and slapped him across the face before he could register what was going on.

"We're done. Hope you have fun with this whore." I sneered as I glared at both.

Before neither of them could speak, I walked away feeling my blood boil. I returned back to Tamaki, trying to contain my emotions. 


"Tamaki, can you take me home?" I asked, interrupting him again.

I looked into his eyes and I could see anger and sadness swimming through them.

"Of course" He answered.

(Lets pretend Tamaki has a car)

~Time Skip~

We arrived at my house and Tamaki quickly went to my side and opened the door. I got out and walked to my front door. Tamaki followed me, calling out my name. I stood at my front door as I felt Tamakis presence behind me.

"L-l/n, please talk to me" He begged.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around him. I felt him jump a little then slowly wrap his arms around me. I closed my eyes, letting tears silently cascade down my face. He slowly rubbed my back in soothing circles as I clutched onto him tighter.

After the tears finally stopped flowing, I pulled away from his chest. I met Tamakis eyes and I let out a pained smile.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"No need to thank me." He responded.

~~ Time Skip to a few months~~

Tamaki and I had gotten closer ever since I broke up with my ex. He checked up on me and brought me food and reassured me that I was way better than the other girl. Throughout all that time, I found myself falling for Tamaki in a way that was different from my ex.

He's so charming and cute. His shyness is adorable. I wish he-

"Hey Y/n, want to hang out?" Tamakis voice brought me out of my thoughts.

His smile made something in my stomach stir and his soft long hair made me want to run my hand through it for hours.


I snapped back again blushing furiously as he awaited my answer.

"U-uh yeah! What time?" I asked trying to contain my excitement of hanging out with the ravenette.

"Is afterschool fine? Theres this new movie that came out and I wanted you to come with me to watch it." He responded with a smile. 

"Yeah, of course" I answered.

~Time skip to the movie~ (Also sorry for all the time skips)

We were watching the movie when I suddenly drifted off into sleep. I felt someone shake me gently and I groaned a little. I opened my eyes and I came face to face with Tamaki. My breath hitched as I was so close that one small move and our lips could lock. 

"Tamaki" I breathed as he looked down at my lips.

His gaze shifted back to my eyes before quickly moving back.

"S-sorry I got too close." He said.

I mentally frowned as I hoped he would've made a move. Maybe he doesn't like me.

"It's okay." I said.

"Come on, let's go." 

We walked to his car and he opened the door for me.

Gosh, he's such a gentleman. I wish he was mine.

The car ride home was silent as I tried to stop my feelings from continuing. We arrived and he opened the door for me. He walked me to my door and we awkwardly stood there.

Just do it.

"Well, I had f-" 

I grabbed his face and collided our lips together. He made a noise in surprise before wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. I felt my heart flutter intensely as our lips moved in sync. I had never felt this way with any other guy before. I loved it.

I pulled away and simply stared at his beautiful face. His eyes were wide and his face ablaze. His mouth was agape and I grinned at the boy before me.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that." I admitted, breaking the silence.

His eyes widened more at my statement before he smiled. He suddenly pulled me back in and locked our lips again. He broke away, but his lips were centimeters from mine.

"Me too." He whispered before reconnecting our lips.

An: I just realized I hit 5k reads ahhhh. Thank you so much! You guys are the best! Also, I'm very sorry that my updates are taking a bit more time. I've been catching up with schoolwork and it hasn't left me with much time to write. Don't worry, I'll do my best to keep updating at a good pace. Thanks for reading and adios!

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