Villain!Kirishimaxreader 3/3

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A/n: Warning: Angst and slight gore? This is probably the only oneshot I've ever written with a disturbing death scene.

Your Pov:

"Hey brat, wake up."

I groggily opened my eyes and blinked away the sleepiness. After a second, I realized Shigaraki was in front of me.

"Are you finally going to talk?" He asked, irration laced his words.

"No," I replied flatly.

My body ached all over from the previous day and I sighed in pain.

Am I ever gonna get out of here?

"UA really does have tough kids," Shigaraki placed four fingers on one of ny arms holding his pinky in the air, "but everyone has a breaking point."

Suddenly, I felt pain explode through my arm and I screamed. I looked down and noticed he had placed his pinky down. The skin on my arm began disintegrating exposing the inner layers of my arm. I bit down on my lip harshly, attempting to keep in my screams when out of the blue, the pressure of his hand came off. I heard Shigaraki curse and yells of other people.

"Wha-what?" I mumbled weakly.

I looked up to see a hole in the bar and proheroes attacking Shigaraki and his men.

"You proheroes can't ever let me finish!" Shigaraki yelled as he took on Aizawa.

One of the proheroes yelled to someone to get me but were caught off. All the proheroes were too busy fighting to save me at the moment.


I turned to see Kirishima running towards me amidst the chaos.

"No! Get away from me you traitor!" I yelled.

"I'm not here to hurt you! I'm helping you escape with the proheroes. I chose the wrong life and person I came to realize I loved suffered because of it." He replied quickly as he released me from my restraints.

I stared at him in shock as I processed his words.

Love? He loved me too?

I snapped out of it as he shook me and urged me to get up. I tried to get up to the best of my ability but my body was still weak.

"F*ck," He mumbled nervously before hoisting me up bridal style.

I looked around me and saw the proheroes fighting with all their might. He ran out of the hole in the wall and towards safety.

I could hear Kirishima's heart beating harshly against his chest as my head laid against it. Without warning, blue flames were shot in front of us and Kirishima stopped.

"I knew you were too soft to be a villain kid," Dabi spoke as he walked towards us.

Kirishima took a step back and Dabi rolled his eyes.

"You know you were starting to grow on me though," Dabi ignited his hand ,"too bad you betrayed us."

Dabi came running at us and Kirishima put me down.

"Y/n, if anything happens to me just know I love you," He said while staring at Dabi.

"Kirishima wait-"

He didn't let me finish before he hardened his body and took Dabi on.

I need to do something!

I took a deep breath and got ready to use my quirk when I heard my name being called. I turned to the side and saw Toga running towards me. I noticed Kirishima glance my way before Dabi forced him to look back at him.

I stumbled but I got up and activated my quirk. Vines came from the ground and wrapped around my least injured arm. I shapped them into a sword and swung at Toga who giggled.

"Oh come Y/n-chan, I thought we were gonna be friends!" She whined as she neared and tried to slice me.

"Not gonna happen!" I sneered as I moved back and attacked. We went back and forth attacking each other.

I hit her hard and she fell to the side. I detached some of my vines from my arm and sent them to hold her down.

My head began spinning a bit and I groaned.

"I was already weak and I used my quirk," I mumbled before turning towards the two males.

Kirishima was panting and covered in burns and Dabi had some cuts and was stumbling a bit. I gulped nervously as I realized Kirishima was practically at his limit.

But Kirishima had a look I had never seen before in his eyes: rage.

Before I could do anything, Mt.Lady came and scooped me up in her hand.

"Wait, no! Wait!" I yelled.

In that moment, everything felt like it was in slow motion. Kirishima looked up at me and Dabi took that moment to engulf him in intense flames. I could hear Dabi laugh as Kirishima screamed in agony.

I felt my heart drop, and I screamed Kirishimas name.

Then his screaming stopped and I felt my heart shatter to pieces. Dabi's flames gave out and smoke replaced them, but I could see his body.

--Warning again--

His body was burned and charred. His face was unrecognizable and I felt bile rise in my throat. Slight bits of flesh could be seen and I knew I would forever be traumatized.

"Kiri...shima." I stared feeling tears start to cascade down my face. My heart hurt in a way it had never before as the realization settled in my mind.

Kirishima is dead.

I laid limply against Mt.Lady's hand as she ran.

My mind was completely blank except for that one heartwrenching thought.

Eijirou Kirishima is dead.

~a week later~

"Hey L/n, how are you feeling?"

I turned to Uraraka who looked at me with concern.

"I'm...better. I suppose," I replied as I stared blankly at the trees in front of us.

"L/n, if you need to talk to someone, I'm here for you. I can't imagine what you're going through but remember you're not alone, okay," She replied softly while placing a hand on my back.

"Thank you, Uraraka," I answered while smiling slightly.

She gave me a sad smile before her phone went off. She answered and spoke to the person before hanging up and standing up.

"Hey L/n, my mother is here to pick me up. Would you like a ride?" Uraraka offered.

"Ah no thank you. I'm actually going to go do something right now but I appreciate the offer." I responded.

"Alright well if you need anything call me." She waved and walked to her parents car.

Once they left, I took a deep breath and stood up.

"I guess it's time."


The wind blew slightly, causing the smallest of goosebumps on my arms.

I placed the single red rose down and sat in front of the tombstone. I traced his name on the tombstone and smiled sadly.

"You know Eijirou,"

The tears began sliding down my face.

"I never got to tell you but," I shut my eyes, imaging him in front of me, smiling.

"I love you too."

Second a/n: I almost cried writing this and I'M the author. Eh I'm just an emotional mess so that's why anyway, hope you guys liked the ending to the series. Sorry if part 3 wasn't that good but I hope you guys still enjoyed it.

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