An Illegal Love Chapter 13

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An Illegal Love - Chapter 13



My lips were on hers. I pushed her against the wall. As I did, I lift her up and put her legs around my waist and walked over to my bed. I lied her down and put her legs down on the bed. Then I noticed something. She wasnt kissing me back.







No no no no no...

I dont want it to come...

Not now.... please....

All the memories were flooding into my head. But only the memories when my dad raped me. All three times. The second time..... a boy saved me but I couldnt fully remember him. The fear of getting raped was taking over my whole body. The way Justin touched me..... I hated it. As soon as he kissed me, my whole body frozed. I didnt know what to do. I was just thinking that he was going to rape me. So I pushed him away when he put me down on the bed. I grabbed my clothes and ran out the room. Scared of seeing him.

I ran to my room and jumped on my bed, burring my face in the pillow, crying. I heard someone walk in and sit next to me on my bed. (I still dont have my clothes on. Only an towel). "Are you ok, Julia?" It was Caitlin. I recognized by her angelic voice. Why does she have an beautiful voice? "Its nothing," I replied and sat up. I wiped my tears with the palm of my hand snf tried my headest to smile. "Ok..... Well, you gotta get ready for your interview, ya know, its like..... in 30 minutes," she said and walked out. An interview. Since I belong to the Bieber family now, I gotta do a interview. This sucks. I dont wanna be in a same interview with Justin and show all over the world who I am. And theyll know as me by "A little girl who's on a tour with Justin Bieber" and thats it. Or maybe a rumor would spread and I'll be called "Justin Bieber's new girlfriend." Now I'll hate that title. I'd rather have the first one. "Are you ready, Julia?" Caitlin said, knocking on the door. "Yes, Im ready," I said as I walked out the room.

"I'm nervous, Caitlin! Why wont you have an interview with us! I cant do this by myself and Justin!" I said. I felt butterflies in my stomach. An interview on the Ellen Show. "Cant believe it," I said to myself. "Hmm? What was that?" Caitlin smiled. "Oh, its nothing." She sighed and let it go. "What?" I asked. "Its nothing," she replied. If its nothing, why did she sigh? "Show starting in 1 minute!" the directer shouted. "And you, Julia, will have to wait back of the set with Justin until Ellen calls you. So Justin will go out first, talk to her for awhile, and then Ellen will call you. Ok?" I nodded as the director walked away. I walked to the back of the set, waiting for the show to start. I stood there on the side of the entrance as Justin came. "Are you nervous," he said, casualy. I think I'm the only one nervous, I guess. I shook my head side ways, meaning that I wasnt nervous. "Yes you are, I can see it," he said with a laugh, "you'll be alright." I gave a half-hearted smile. "And today's guest is the teenes heart throbe," I heard Ellen say as Justin walked up to her from behind. "Hi," Justin said, scaring her a little. And the crowd of girls screamed from the top of their lungs as Justin waved at them. They both took a seat and started talking.

Ellen: "So..... how are you?"

Justin: "Im good, Im good. Doing great." he said with a wide smile on his face.

Ellen: "Really? Nothing exciting happened?"

Justin: "Well....." he started and hesitated to say another word.

Ellen: "What?"

Justin: "Something exciting did happen," he gave a cheaky smile.

Ellen: "Ohhh... a new girlfriend huh?"

Justin: "Oh no no... I have a new friend which shes like my sister."

My heart sank as he said those words. I'm just a sister. A sister. And nothing else?

Ellen: "And she is here with us today?"

Justin: "Yes she is."

Ellen: "Is she pretty as Selena Gomez and Jasmine V?"

Justin: "Awww man... Again with this? I'm not dating neither of them. Theyre just like my sisters." he said jokingly.

Ellen: "Then why did you kiss Jasmine V?"

Justin: "I dont know. Cause we're just friends?"

Ellen: "Hmm... never knew that friends can make out...."

Justin: "They can in my world." he smirked.

Ellen: "Oh..... So they can... Which means you can kiss your new friend right?"

Justin: "Uhhhh...... no..."

Ellen: "Why cant you?"

Justin: "I dont know...."

Ellen: "You like her huh?" she punched Justin's arm playfully. But Justin didnt fool around anymore. He sat there staring at her. "Oh man... seriously?"

Justin: "Uh......." Before Justin can finish, Ellen called for me to come out.

Ellen: "So here she is. Miss Julia!"

Ellen stood up and clapped as the whole room was filled with applause. I smild lightly and walked over to the coucjh shook Ellen's hand, glanced down at Justin, smiled at him, and sat down on a different couch next to him.

Ellen: "Hello, Julia."

Julia: "Hello," I smiled nervously.

Ellen: "Haha dont get too nervouse or you wont be able to perform." she laughed. What in the world was she talking about? Perform? Me? Since when? I'm not a singer. What.... Oh no... Is it Caitlin? No... shouldnt be... I told her not to tell anyone that day. Then....who?

Julia: "Haha"

Ellen: "So we're you listening to our conversation?" she asked me.

Julia: "Ummm...." I glanced over at Justin who had pleading eyes like he was praying that I hadnt listened.

"Yes I have." I laughed a little.

Ellen: "Really? Well, we're not going into that awkwardness again so.... uh... Lets ask questions to Julia."

Julia: "Yes?" I said with a smile.

Ellen: "Are you single?"

Julia: "Um... yes. I'm still 12. What do you except from me?" I laughed.

Ellen: "12? I thought you were 14 or 15!"

Julia: "Yeah, that happens a lot."

Ellen: "Ok... but lemme ask you this. Have you had your first kiss?"

Julia: "Um.... yes?"

Ellen: "With who?"

Julia: "Um..... Do I have to?"

"CUUUUUT!" the director said. "Take a break guys for 2 minutes. Commercial playing."

"Justin," I said, "Why arent you saying ANYTHING!" "Cause she was only talking to you and not me!" he said. "But youre suppose to interrupt me or something! You gotta help me!! And why didnt you answer her question when she asked if you liked me? You couldve just said 'no i dont'." He looked down and then looked up after a few minutes. "I-" he got cut off by girls screaming for him. "I gotta go. Bye." "But Justin....."

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