They Still Speak to Him

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The masked man trudged through sand. He stared ahead, blankly. The end of the desert was near, which gave him the motivation to keep going. He was almost home.

"You've been acting weird lately, Dream."

Dream ignored the voice of his friend. He told himself that they weren't actually there. It was just his imagination.

They started to get annoyed with him.

"Dream!" The voice of George echoed in his head. Dream squeezed his eyes shut. He was almost home.

He made it to the other end of the desert, and saw his house. Dream sighed and picked up the pace.

He walked in, and slammed the door. He looked around, and sighed. No one was there.

Dream got comfortable on the couch, getting ready to nap.

"Dream, stop ignoring us." Sapnap yelled at him.

"Stop!" Dream shouted, gripping onto his hair, "Get out of my head!" He cried. Sapnap and George exchanged a glance, Dream continued to cry. "Leave me alone!" He repeated.

"Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Leave me alone!"

"Dream—" George reached out, gasping when his hand phased through him.

Dream tugged at his hair, "It's been days why don't you leave?! I can't take it!"

George glanced at Sapnap, whispering to him, "Sap... I don't think we survived that crash."

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