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I'm on a roll

So if you're reading this, you probably forgot again.

The dark-haired man flipped through the pages of the book he had found in Karl's room.

Your name is Karl Jacobs. You are 22 years old. But surely that must be easy to remember. I remembered it the last few times.

From what he could understand, it was nonsense.

I refer to you as "you" but really you're me because I'm Karl Jacobs too.

He stopped reading, instead going back to the beginning of the book, starting over again to try and wrap his head around what he was reading.

It's becoming harder and harder to remember little things now. For example; Alex made dinner last night, but I can't remember what it was. I don't want to tell them about it because I'm not sure if they're supposed to know.

I almost forgot Sapnap's name again today. I can't let another slip up like that happen.

They love me and I love them.

Don't forget them, Karl

He didn't understand what he was reading. I just sounded like crazy talk. Yes. That's it. It's just crazy talk.

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