Bright red and white filled my view. The Orpheum spelled in cursive indicated my stop. Turning down the alleyway just beside the theater, I make sure to look for any passing people before slipping past the fire escape. Shoving my bag through the gap in the gate, I pry open the locked metal the widest I could before wiggling through. A small huff leaving my lips after having to pull my foot past the gate.

Making it to the window, I pull open the glass knowing well enough the guards never lock this particular one. Tip toeing inside, I blink having to adjust to the darkness in the building. Feeling my hand glide against the wall, I stop once I felt my feet hit the stair railing.


Carefully stepping, I walk up the set of stairs. Counting all the way up to fifteen before stopping and feeling out for the door. Pushing the handle out, the cold air hits my skin and no alarm went off. Thank god for Stanly working Mondays and always forgetting the alarm.

Peering around the corner, I smile seeing no one was nearby. Intending to exit out, one hand stayed holding open the door but I freeze once three figures came in view. Shit.

Frozen, I debate on whether turning around and leaving all together but didn't have enough time considering the three turned around in less than a second. I didn't plan this for the past month for three white boys to ruin it.

"Who is she?" The one with the leather jacket asks, taking a step forward.

"How am I supposed to know?" The one in purple snickered rhetorically.

"Why is she just standing there?" The last one mumbles, eyes focused on me with a curious gaze.

"Why are the three of you talking about me like I'm not here?" I speak up finally. This getting a more than dramatic reaction considering leather jacket ended up letting out a small scream. "Keep your voice down! Someone is gonna hear and you'll get us caught,"

"You can see us?" The purple hoodie blurts, eyes wide as he held a hand out to the one beside him in the middle.

"No, you guys are invisible and I'm having a conversation with myself," I retort. They pause at this, sharing a look causing me to refrain from an eye roll. "Yes I can see you! What are you supposed to be, invisible or something?"


"Or something,"

"Ghosts actually,"

The three of them answer the question simultaneously. Blinking, I pause trying to process it, especially the third one.

"Oh...Kay," I nod, holding my hand on the door. "Are you guys leaving soon 'cause I didn't know people actually came up here still. I was sort of planning to have the roof to myself tonight,"

"You can actually see us?" The one in the middle echoed again.

"Oh my- yes. You're normal human beings visible to the rest of us okay? I don't know what shit you guys took but seriously, how long do you think you're gonna be here? I'll just come back-"

"We're dead," Leather jacket boy states blunty. This earned a smack from the purple hoodie guy.

"What?" I blink. Seriously, what trip are they on?

"Look, I know how it sounds but it's true. We're ghosts," Middle boy rushes out, biting his lip waiting for my reaction at this.

Running a hand over my face, a sigh escapes soon after. "Listen, I know Hollywood boys are weird but tonight isn't the night. I don't have time for this-"

✓ 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄; JATPDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora