Thirty Two: Bang PD

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A timid knock echoed across the office, followed by a shuffling of feet outside and the slow creak of a door as it opened, "Uhh... You wanted to see us?"

Bang si-hyuk looked up to face two nervous looking young singers as they peered around the open door.

"Yes," he smiled, finding their shyness amusing, "Come in and sit down."
He watched as Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook cautiously appeared from behind the office door and stiffly seated themselves in the two chairs opposite his desk.

It had been two days since both Jimin and Jungkook had dramatically confessed their feelings for each other, and all they wished to do was to make up for lost time spent arguing.

Not, Jimin grimaced, Be ominously called into Bang PD's office.

Following his outlandish, insistent confession in the dance studio, a rather shocked - but apparently not too surprised - Sungdeuk had promptly stopped the dance rehearsal early and waved them off, grumbling about how there was too many intense male hormones flooding the space to be able to even begin practicing a new dance.

"Jimin I swear if I find out this is just an excuse for being late..." he humoursly threatened as the young maknae finally allowed the older to breathe.
"I think you know it isn't." The contemporary dancer let out a grin, yet his eyes never left the face of their maknae, the two standing with fingers tightly entertwined.

"Good. But, just so you know..."

The encapsulated pair glanced worriedly at their choreographer's sudden stern tone of voice, "My dancing come first." He demanded with determiantion, "Ok? None of this cheesy, 'Oh we overslept' kind of nonsense. I won't accept wanting to spend two more minutes in bed with your boyfriend as a reasonable excuse. You get me?" but despite his stern words, the older man was grinning widely.

Finally, Jimin pulled his gaze away from Jungkook, smirking, "What if I was reeaaallly realllly nice to you and bought you lunch eeeeverryday I wanted to spend two extra minutes with Kookie?"

Sungdeuk shrugged, "-If it comes to that, then we could settle a deal... If you were above perfect in everything I taught you."

"Am I not already?" The dancer's eyes glinted mischievously.

At the memory of attempting to bribe their choreographer, Jimin suddenly found himself hiding a brief irriestable bought of laughter in the form of an episode of coughing, glancing warily up at the father-like figure in front of him as eyebrows were raised.

"Something funny Jimin?"
"N-No-Nope." he swallowed painfully and shook his head.

Bang PD was only partially amused.
But the other part wasn't anger either.
It was worry and, some mild frustration.

Two days ago, he'd woken up to find a variety of missed phone calls and messages from several staff members alerting him to the news that Taehyung was currently getting checked out in hospital.

Had one of them not been Namjoon spelling out the entire incident in detail, he probably would have rushed down there himself in concern for the Idol's health.

A minor head injury. He'd said, Happened during a collison. But after calling the leader to ask exactly what the collion had been, Namjoon replied, Ask Jimin and Jungkook...pleasedon'tkillusforusingthecompanycar!

So naturally, he'd called both singers in to ask them. But he hadn't expected what he saw.

"You two look a state."

And they really did.

Both singers were sporting similar purpled bruises across their jawlines, the mottled skin sometimes even showing the faint outline of reddish splotches as if an imprint of knuckles.

Jungkook's lip looked as if it had been split painfully, a faint bruise just below his nose indicating it had probably come from falling onto something heavily. And as he finished observing the two, there was no denying what had happened as he took in the sight of their bruised hands.

"Please do not tell me you had a fight."
Bang PD sighed, running a hand over his face in disbelief. They were best friends?! Jikook wasn't trending for no reason!

But he was met with silence.

"So you did fight?" the man prompted again.
Eventually, Jungkook perked up the courage to speak, "...Y-Yes."
"Each other?"
"... Yes."
"And Taehyung tried to stop you."
"... That was an accident..."
"I know...but why?"

Jimin suddenly spluttered, looking uncomfortable where he sat, "W-why what?" he asked.
"Why you decided on that bright pink hair? Its so bright Jimin-"
"Argh you children! Of course I meant why did you fight!"

But again, he was met by deathly silence.

Jungkook's heart pounded. Would he fire them if he found out? Would he demand they ended it- did he already know? Was that why theu were here-?

He could not have opened his mouth to speak even if he had wanted to. For a painful lump had risen at the base of his throat, restricting his air, building a sense of panic as his mind raced.

"Boys." Bang si-hyuk sighed, shaking his head in amused disbelief at their lack of words, "I just want to know what happened.

I couldn't care less if you told me you were gay and secretly dating.

Nothing is going to make me judge you."

Had he-had he just said...?

Jimin swallowed nervously, finally opening his mouth to speak as, hearing those comforting (and admittedly surprising) words, a wash of confidence flooded through him.

"Uh... We are gay and secretly dating...? "

Bang PD looked at him, dumbfounded, "Yes Jimin I know." he tutted in disbelief, "But I wasnt asking you to confirm that. I was asking why you were fighting...

Are you boys alright? You've both gone very pale."

Jungkook nodded, his fingers tightly gripping the armrests of his chair as he processed those last words in his mind. 'I know' he had said. He had said... He had-
"H-how did... How did you...?" he spluttered, terrified.

But the man who had always been a father-figure to them all, simply shrugged, "I'm not that unobservant. So was that why you were fighting?"

Both young singers nodded.

"Because you were scared?"

They nodded again.

"Jimin...Jungkook... Let me tell you this." And he smiled warmly, despite his tone sounding firm.

"If ever you get scared of not being able to be yourself... You come to me. If ever you think someone won't let you express yourself... You let me deal with them. I know your hyungs can do some damage, but I can do so much more. I won't tolerate my artists being trapped like that in an ignorant, judgemental bubble.

So you leave here, and you hold your heads high and be yourself. You're right that we can't tell the media, or the fans right now but... Do you really want your dating life to be that public? I couldn't bare to see any one of you threatened, or abused, or insulted just because you're being who you want to be.

But although you can't announce to the world... You can announce to us. Be yourself when you're behind camera. Be yourself in your bubbly, estatic, unique little ways because that's what makes BTS just that little something different.

Its what makes you different. What makes you better.

And don't ever give up on that...

You understand?"

I know it's addressed to Jikook, but its also addressed to you x

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