One: June 15th 2015

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Hope you enjoy!

Brief Disclaimer about story:

- The struggle to figure out sexuality.
- Brief references to Jimin's struggles with body image and eating.
- Some mildly mature scenes.

And with that, I'll stop talking :) 💚

Update 14/02/21: Book 2 is out and completed! 💚

Update 19/04/21: Entered this into #bangtanshipawards :)


"Happy Birthday!" A chorus of screams flooded the small dining room as fists flung themselves into the air, accompanied by wild grins aimed directly towards the wandering cameras.

It didn't matter that they were still in a small, cramped dorm space or sharing a few bedrooms between the seven of them. It didn't matter they had spent the year battling prejudice, negative expectations...or even death threats.
Not even their tentative financial situation, their exhaustion at voluntarily overworking and the pressure of hiding every one those factors from their fan base could matter within these few hours.

In this small, humid room, stacked with hand-made props, tacky trinkets that meant the world to at least one of the members and the apparent necessary items of seven young musicians, there was only one thing on every single artists' mind.

It had been two years.

Two years. Jimin huffed to himself, contently tapping out a brief rhythm on the table with his fingers as he watched his band members chatter excitedly. June 2015. Two years since they had debuted...he couldn't believe it.

Understandably about to launch himself into a nostalgic thought process, something barreled sharply into him. He spluttered, confused, as the two of them toppled to the floor.
This cry of laughter brought his dazed state to a sharp halt as their maknae's shrill, giddy voice flooded his ears and he found himself bundled into a tight hug. 

"Jungkookie what-?" The elder questioned, yet he could not keep the wide grin off of his face. 
"You looked spaced out," The younger pouted, clambering off his hyung and offering an arm as a peace offering to aid Jimin to his feet, "Its our birthday. We have to celebrate!"

Indeed we do.

Jimin grinned, rubbing his chest weakly in embarrassment as a tinged feeling crept across his body. A feeling (as the maknae's wide smile continued to radiate in his direction, his arm still enthusiastically outstretched) which he could only truly describe as butterflies fluttering around his internal system. 
Accepting the aid and hauling himself back onto his chair, Jimin huffed to himself. 


He tilted his head sideways as a series of questions rose up and bundled themselves into the forefront of his mind. 
Still there... It was concluded.

While the achievement of making their second year as a united group ensured that at least for today, their struggles did not seem to matter, Jimin believed he had an additional incentive to be happy. One that, while it severely troubled him on a regular basis the more he grew to understand the situation, had also given him more confidence and strength than he had ever considered he could muster.

Even just his presence... The teenager found himself happily thinking to himself, his smile unable to fade as his fellow Idol members continued to prat about comically around him.

Jungkookie... He hummed silently, shaking his head in disbelief as Seokjin suddenly turned towards him and grinned. He'd commenced in a childish wrestling match with Hoseok and on his face sported the remnants of their birthday cake icing as thick, splotched war stripes. 

The true maknae... The young singer grinned back, but, he was unable to focus on the hilarious scene for long as his thoughts wandered again.

Jungkook. Jimin's mind couldn't escape that name.

He couldn't stop his mind from constantly returning to that face. Even though he didn't quite know why yet... He knew, whenever he spent time with the maknae or whenever he found himself approached by him, looked up to or imitated... 

It made him happier than he ever thought would be possible.

He didn't know what the feeling was. 

But he was anxious to find out.


Any feedback would be appreciated!! Let me know what you think :)

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