Seventeen: Secrets

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Soon after Jimin had floated down from his state of emotional bliss, he had suggested leaving Jungkook sleep alone. He didn't want to. He wanted to spend the whole night with Jungkook, getting closer to him... Wanting nothing more than to feel what he had just felt again. But he knew it was the right thing to do.

They were still hyped up with extensive adrenaline and he did not wish to compromise their secrecy any more than they had done, especially since he himself was still cautious of Namjoon, Seokjin and Yoongi knowing. It wasn't that he thought they'd be the most judgemental... If anything they'd be exactly like Tae. But they would place things into a realistic perspective around their fans, media and their careers... and this terrified Jimin.

He was perfectly happy enough to live each day, postponing his arrival to the truths he would one day have to face about the reality of their situation.

So they had parted for the night, neither singer able to hide wide grins from their faces, nor dispel the flutters of what seemed only to be described as butterflies cascading through their stomachs. Neither of them had barely been able to keep their lips away from the other each time they attempted to say goodbye, but eventually Jimin had reluctantly departed.

He had been right before, Jimin smiled to himself, remembering what he had admitted to Taehyung only that day. He had been right. There was no doubt.

He loved Jungkook.

"Jungkook. Get up." Jungkook was woken by a disgruntled Namjoon, who simply tapped him on the head at eight in the morning, yawned and trudged back to where he had been packing bags without a word. In an instant, the maknae knew their leader had heard something. Crap.

Whether he had been woken by their laughter, or worse, had heard what barely needed much interpretation... the rapper did not look pleased. But he said nothing as both gathered up their things in silence.
Jungkook's heart pounded in terror, each moment of silence only intensifying his spluttering nerves. What if he knew it had been Jimin?

The only hint he made at any irritation was as they made their final room checks. He called out to the younger who was standing  with the others outside in the corridor and, without warning, promptly chucked a damp pair of jeans at him. Shit. He'd forgotten about those. These were the ones he had hung up on the bathroom radiator in some attempt to dry the material out quicker after the unfortunate shower mishap.

Jungkook's heart fell. What if he knew it was Jimin he had been with, and was angry by their irresponsibility? What if he only knew it was another male, and was sickened by the thought?

"Jungkook..." Seokjin cocked his head to the side as he watched the jeans sail out of the room, to be caught in the last second by their tired looking maknae who shoved the clothing item into his suitcase, "... Why are your jeans wet?" Everyone turned their heads towards the younger.

Jimin however, guiltily cowered behind Taehyung nervously, his earphones plugged deep into his ears.
Despite being confident in his adrenaline pumped mindset the previous night, his nerves had now thrown him into a state of being unable to listen to, nor help ease the situation in his jittering state. Now would be the worst time for the truth about their relationship to unfold.

Silently, a hand crept their way towards his own they all awaited Jungkook's response. His grasp tightened around his best friend's fingers anxiously, muttering a brief 'thank you' as the two singers gripped each others hands within the folds of Taehyung's hoodie.

"I uh- accidently turned the shower on in my clothes." he muttered.
"But they're like... Soaked through... Did you turn it on and then decide you were too tired to declothe?" A chuckle ran around the group at their eldest's suggestions. Jungkook let out a nervous laugh, but shook the comment off, his fingers tightly crossed within his jacket pockets as he silently begged that Jin's curisoity would surpass. For now at least, it did.

Your Eyes Tell [A Jikook Fanfiction ©️ Book 1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang