Thirty One: An Awaited Response

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- Don't let him leave.

As the message flashed across Taehyung's screen, his tired expression flickered into a small smile. His stomach seemed to bubble with static excitement as he anticipated exactly what actions would accompany Jimin's words. Although he was a little concerned the dance studio might not be the best place for such a scene. Currently, it was an incredibly stressful atmosphere... Nothing was going to plan. Nevertheless, he stuck to his hyung's request and ensured Jungkook never once thought to escape the studio early. 

"One, two, three...and four! No! Stop! Jungkook just stop!!" Unknowing of the situation, their dance choreographer cried out in frustration, "We've been through this too many times already - where is your mind today?!" The other members glanced nervously between Sungdeuk and their maknae as he was stopped abruptly in his attempt to tiredly haul his way through their new piece.

"I-I'm just tired-" He mumbled, awkwardly fidgeting with his hands. He scowled deeply at his feet.
"I think you need to stop for today. I don't know what's going on, but Seokjin carried you in here screaming as if you'd just been dragged out of bed, you look like you haven't slept for a week - not to mention you look like someone's taken a swing at you - and you have no focus at all-!"

"-I'm sorry!" Jungkook cried out, flinging his arms up in exasperation as his voice rang out across the space, "How many more times do I have to apologise?! All I wanted was..." his turned with a despairing expression to his group members, his voice trembling. "... All I wanted was an answer. Just one-"

His words faltered as the studio door crashed open, engulfing the space in silence. Before anyone could stop him, the individual who had abruptly interrupted Jungkook's outcry made directly for the maknae.

Every other occupant in the room held their breath in anticipation as Jimin stopped short of a metre away from the distressed teenager. The two simply stared in silence at each other.

Although confused, Sungdeuk did not complain for the interruption. He was more concerned about what Jimin's interruption implied. Here, in front of him, was a third group member who had looked as if they had taken a heavy blow. He was not certain what had been going on within the group, but he had sensed that the remainder of the tour  after their win in January had been increasingly tense.

Had Taehyung really fallen down the stairs? As he observed Jimin's appearance he saw in stunned surprise that he too had similar features to Jungkook. The exhausted, dreary eyes, the purple blotches across his face and neck, the occasional wince as a splatter of pain ran across his bruised body. Had...had Jimin and Jungkook gotten into a fight?

"J-Jimin." Jungkook stuttered nervously, not daring to take his eyes off of the older for a single moment.
"Jungkook..." The contemporary dancer finally spoke, although he was still fairly out of breath from running. "I never gave you my response."
"That's can take all the time you need-"

"-No!" The older cried out, "No I can't! Tae told me how much this was affecting you." Jungkook allowed his eyes to momentarily flicker towards his best friend. He shot him a smile of grateful thanks for, per usual, Tae seemed to own an incredibly detailed intuition and an impossibly accurate perception of hindsight. 

"I was wrong to make you wait so long Jungkook. be completely honest, what you said terrified me. Even though I'd implied exactly the same before...just the idea that you felt the same... it scared me."

"That's alright-"

"-No let me finish!" Jimin shook his head, taking another step towards the maknae confidently, "You never deserved the way I treated you! Yes, both of us have made mistakes and reacted badly to each other's feelings and behaviours but that doesn't mean I should have acted that way! I-I- I pushed you away when I first realised my feelings, I hid when Namjoon caught us and didn't help when you were questioned...I punched you! And not just once!

You are my life Jungkook.

And I did all those things. I-I promised that day in the rain that I would never leave you. But I did! I ran like a coward - just like you accused me of doing...and don't say it isn't the truth because it is!" He didn't care they were in the middle of a dance practice. He didn't care that Sungdeuk was still in the room, or that the other members had obtained similar jaw dropped looks at his outburst. Jungkook needed to know.

"Jungkook..." He took a deep breath, "You are my world. You literally light up my day, every day, every second of every single minute. I wouldn't be able to do or think half the things I do if I didn't have you by my side and I mean that with every ounce of my heart. I-I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something I had done meant that you felt that you couldn't be those things anymore. All those moments in the hotel rooms, in our dorm living room-" he huffed, letting out a nervous laugh as he ran a hand through his hair, "-I did not want to be with anyone else. We knew there was a risk of being caught by Namjoon that day and that moment I was ready to confess all and deal with the consequences! Heck - I wish I had gone through with that plan because then none of this would have happened."

He let out another shaking breath, "What I'm trying to say is that: Jeon Jungkook.

 I love you."

Jimin barely had a moment to breathe out in relief at getting those words out, before two hands grasped his face and he felt the soft touch of lips moulding onto his own.


Aww cute. 💚

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