Twenty Four: Uncovering The Truth

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Jungkook pulled away from the warm kiss as the sound of feet echoed outside the door. But despite the nervous glint in his eye, he still remained propped up beside Jimin. His head hovered over the older singer as he continued to seem encapsulated in his vibrate eyes.

Hobi had seen Jimin was awake as he himself had awoken, but he had remembered the younger dancer had returned late to the room last night  or barely remembering...  he was so disorientated that all he had to affirm Jimin's entry was a thump of a body hitting a bed before the dance leader instantly fell asleep. Given how late it had been, he had left the youngster stay in bed a little later while he showered.

"Damn..." Hobi muttered, hitting himself lightly on the head as he had forgotten he'd taken the towels out to wash only the day before. Gathering his things together again and stepping out of the bathroom, he realised that from the silence in the room, Jimin had most likely fallen asleep again. 'He's so stupid...' Hoseok thought affectionately. He swanned back into the room, beginning a new dance routine as his music shifted and launched his body involuntarily into moving.

Jungkook glanced over at the dance leader as he shuffled into the room in his own world, mumbling to himself the lyrics of a song blasting through his headphones. To his amusement, Jimin even managed to reach up for another short, brief kiss without Hoseok realising there were infact, two figures within his roomate's bed.

Hoseok silently crept past Jimin's bed and began happily searching for where he'd left the fresh laundry, humming to himself pleasantly, yet, knowing at some point he'd have to wake the sleeping singer. Finally finding and grabbing a towel from under his bed, J-Hope waltzed his way silently towards the bathroom again, still unaware that Jimin was very much awake. Lips briefly brushed together again as the two figures stifled bouts of laughter at the situation and yet, refused to draw themselves away from each other. The eldest opened the door and, in his own world of music, shimmied across the threshold-

-Then froze suddenly. Drawing out his headphones, he slowly backed up the way he had come from and let the bedroom door slam shut behind him.
Huh-? He frowned, tilting his head slightly as he took in the sight as he looked towards the two singers bundled in the bed sheets. His brain was running through all the conclusions he could possibly think of.

Jimin was not, as he had expected, passed out asleep. Instead, he was lying on his back, the douvet hung loosely off the bed to reveal his less clothed state. This didn't bother him at all - he had seen all the boys naked, it did not even make him falter anymore. What did, was that their maknae was likewise in the same state.

Jungkook was propped on his elbow beside the older singer, his eyes transfixed on Jimin's face as if by looking away from Hobi, he would evade the confrontation entirely.
"H-hobi..." Jimin stuttered quietly, seeming barely able to look his hyung in the eye. Hoseok frowned. Was he feeling guilty about something? Why was he nervous? In all fairness, this wasn't anything much out of the ordinary. Unless on camera, the boys rarely slept in full clothes, even if they were sharing the same bed. They didn't care.
Jungkook was also one of the members known as a 'koala' as he slept, particularly due to his lack of care around personal space. This also, was a title Taehyung owned and sometimes, Hobi admitted, himself. Perhaps Jungkook was having a bad night, maybe Namjoon had been snoring too loudly...

There were several But something in the back of his mind told him this situation might be a bit different.

Over the past month or so, he knew he had overlooked a couple of moments with questionable behaviour between Jungkook and Jimin. Not negatively of course... but to him, it had seemed to just start blending the lines of where his ideas between close brotherly friendship and an additional sort of intimacy lay.  Certainly, he thought, that could just be how comfortable Jimin and Jungkook were as brothers. He knew the maknae line were constantly shipped much more by fans with either each other or one of the hyung line (or, he realised once in surprise, two), due to their increased nature of affection. Perhaps that's just it. He huffed, Especially since Jungkook and Sae-mi...

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