Fourteen: Yoongi-Hyung

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The staff backstage fell silent as a yell of frustration, followed by a wracking sob filled the space. They watched as, moments after BTS hauled themselves off stage for the final time, Jeon Jungkook flung himself away from the others and fell silent. Having waited for the other members to filter back into the changing rooms, the youngest sat alone, underneath the stage's scaffolding, mumbling harsh accusations towards himself.

In the past, the staff had tried to make an effort to talk to various members whenever such a moment as this happened. They recognised how much pressure the young adults put on themselves, in addition to the pressure they had from surrounding fans, media and BigHit. But this time, no amount of reasoning would cheer the maknae up.

Now he sat, with fists tightly pressed into his eyes in an attempt to stem the flow of tears as he sobbed. He had messed up. He had failed. Were the only thoughts racing through his head.

And all the staff could do was wait with baited breath and let out sighs of relief as one if his hyungs, noticing his absence, raced out of the changing rooms to comfort him.


With that day's performance done, it was another show closer to the tour almost being over. As each performance ended, each member's heart sunk a little more. And yet, also with each performance, their minds buzzed with excitement over the support and love they recieved.

Min Yoongi couldn't believe it. He could not believe that he, a struggling song writer, then with every intention to become a small producer with BigHit, had spent weeks on end standing on stage after stage in front of thousands of fans who sung the lyrics to songs he wrote. Despite the exhaustion, the difficulties and the self-criticism each one faced, he felt estatic. 

Tomorrow night they had one more performance before they moved onto another venue for two days. After a two day break, they then finished up their four month tour back in Seoul.

His eyes glanced towards the hotel alarm clock in concern. It read two o'clock. Jungkook hadn't come back to their shared room. He wouldn't have been worried (for the young singer had wandered in around such a time for the past few nights) had it not been for the state Jungkook had finished their performance in.

He had been almost perfect. Per usual, stunning the audience with his mix of incredible vocals and rapping skills. Yoongi's brain raced with mild excitement as he imagined, given their maknae's vocals now, what they possibly could grow to in even two, or three years time. They were certainly fortunate to have him. 

Yet, as often did happen, Jungkook became suddenly fixated on a single mishap that slowly, to him, became more obvious. Until soon, it had given him the impression that he had let the fans down. Despite excitedly raced off stage singing the fans' praises, he had promptly sat down with a thump on the floor backstage, tears streaming down his cheeks. This anxiety at messing up and the following break-down had exhausted him and few could get very little words out of their youngest as he trudged into the hotel in a wave of sadness. Given those events therefore, the rapper had expected Jungkook to sleep much sooner than he appeared to be staying up.

As the clock flickered to two thirty, the young main vocalist still had not appeared. Why do I care so much sometimes... Yoongi huffed, pushing himself away from the desk where he had been writing and traipsing into the hotel hallway. "Where to..." he murmured to himself, but, almost instantly, he knew where to start his search. 

Taehyung. Yawning and shuffling his way over to a room just a little ahead of his own, he knocked twice. After a moment of movement from inside, the very face he was looking for appeared, "Yoongi-hyung." The singer gave a tired smile, speaking in a low voice, "What brings you here?"
"Is Jungkook here?" he quietly muttered. He did not miss the slight hesitation on Taehyung's face as the question passed the older's lips. He peered back into the dim room (although why he wouldn't notice their maknae being there before, Yoongi didn't know) then turned back to him, nodding, "I'll get him. Don't want to wake Jimin." 

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