Sixteen: A Progression

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***Mildly mature scenes***



Left in silence in the break-out room, Jungkook didn't know what to do. Had Jimin just...had he just walked out-?

He knew he was forcing Jimin to take their relationship at a much slower pace than the elder would have preferred. Although he knew Jimin would never complain, nor make it ever seem Jungkook had to do things, the maknae could not help but feel a little childish.

With the buzz of energy gone, he slowly trudged back to his shared room with Namjoon, unlocking the door silently and bundling himself into the bathroom. Their leader was silently wrapped up in douvet covers, fast asleep as tiny little snores wafted across the darkened space. Jungkook too, wished he could sleep and put his embarassment behind him.

It had been months. Even Yoongi last week had commented that by now, if they hadn't been hooking up he assumed things would be growing more serious. But just as he had mentioned to the rapper last week, Jungkook was scared of things becoming official. It made everything seem so much more set into reality and he lost the ability to hide in his little bubble of childish ignorance.

He knew Jimin was frantically trying to hide his impatient, dismayed feelings by slowly encouraging him each time something like this happened, and he desperately wanted them to do more... but the idea scared him.


"Crap." A hiss off irritation escaped the contemporary dancer's lips as he slowly reached up to turn on the shower.

Having walked away from Jungkook, he'd locked himself in the bathroom of his and Seokjin's room and promptly sat down on the closed toilet lid, his mind racing. What could he do?

At first, he had given into his uncontrollable hormones, intent on satisfying them as per usual in swift, hasty movements. Per usual, he had lapsed into a dream state, relishing in the far away imaginings of such actions being carried out not by his own hand, but by Jungkook's.

But as he settled back into the familiar firm, rhythmic pace of his hand gliding across himself...his mind fluttered towards what might have happened that evening. In an instant, he had angrily pulled his hand away, tearing himself out of his dream state as he flew to his feet and approached the shower. He did not feel it was appropriate any longer to relieve himself of such petty, lust filled feelings without being in the presence of Jungkook.

No... Having to hide himself in a bathroom to relieve himself of pent up adrenline in the many times he had been with Jungkook - and often knowing the maknae was probably doing the same... It just now... Felt wrong.

And so, with gritted teeth, he had thought the best option was a very cold shower. As he had sat there, waiting for the water to drop below comfortable temperatures, he frantically began reasoning with his wandering mind. Did Jungkook not want to progress? Did he see them as just very close friends, or was he merely experimenting?

Jimin acknowledged such intimate actions were not what made a relationship, but he desperately wanted to grow closer to the maknae.
And he knew Jungkook wanted to also.
Although he had seen hesitation at Jimin's suggestion, it hadn't been a straight out 'no'. He'd seen Jungkook's eyes as he'd stalked out of the room.
They had been full of regret.

The older singer just needed a way to slowly guide the younger towards what he wanted and reassure him it would be ok.

"Shiiit." He breathed out as he passed a hand across the falling water. That was certainly cold. But as he stepped under the flow with gritted teeth, his phone screen blared to life with a message from the young maknae.

Your Eyes Tell [A Jikook Fanfiction ©️ Book 1]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora