Fifteen: Love?

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To Yoongi's relief, Jungkook's mood seemed to lift again as they prepared for the next day's performance. Although it was clear he was tired, any signs of his sobbing episode in the early hours of the morning had dissipated. But he could not help but think back to what Jungkook had admitted.

Jimin... And Jungkook?
Jungkook... And Jimin?

Although embarassed to admit it out loud, he'd always wondered that if any of the band even had simple thoughts about being with another, it would be among one of the maknae line. Of course the hyung line were incredibly close... But it was because he was close to them, that he'd decided that. Much like what had certainly happened within the maknae line, if one of the hyungs felt for another... All the olders would know. Or so he had thought... He was beginning to suspect Hobi was keeping something from them along the wiry lines of romance.

He glanced towards their maknae, happily chattering away to Hoseok as he had his hair styled, snippets of their conversation floating around his head. "Five months ago" Kook had confessed, "after the first month or so we started figuring things out."
With a jolt of shock, Yoongi realised everything now made complete sense.

Jungkook's reaction to Jimin's sudden distancing from him (something the rapper was convinced he had done because of his feelings). Then... the maknae returning the favour, thus launching them into weeks of this petty push-pull friendship?
If only they had told the others sooner... All of that could have been avoided... His heart sank at the thought of both Jimin and Jungkook being too scared to even admit their relationship to the BTS boys.

As he gazed tiredly at the others within the room, Yoongi caught the sight of Jimin's focus on Jungkook. It was so subtle any member who didn't know the truth, were unlikely to think anything of it. But as he watched his younger brother, every so often the singer's gaze would drift towards Jungkook and he'd smile warmly.
Now he knew, Yoongi thought, He couldn't unsee it.

He did admit, Jungkook admitting they were together came as an unexpected surprise. In fact, without wishing to impose stereotypes, Jungkook being gay had surprised Yoongi. He'd just never drifted from the media's expectations - if ever he was asked about a girl, or dating, there was no hesitation, no uncertainty or annoyance at the question. But then, SUGA huffed, why would there be?

Jungkook had grown up in an environment where being straight and appealing to the female gender were set as unquestionable assumptions. He remembered them all laughing at each other - Jungkook in particular - over how shy many of them were during their American 'Boy in Luv' music video shoot... It was almost as if they were embarrassed to be so inexperienced. That would have scared anyone into the closet.

Yoongi sighed, running a hand through his hair. He watched as their youngest walzted over to one of the sofas and settled himself down. A grin seemed unable to be hidden from his face as a hand gently tugged at his jumper, encouraging him to close the gap between himself and Jimin. Once he'd scooted closer, this same hand buried itself into the folds of the jumper material and Yoongi knew their hands were tightly clasped.

It felt a little odd that he knew, and Jimin did not know he did. Only that morning had Jungkook insisted his other half did not find out about his confession.

"Right!" Namjoon called out, startling Yoongi from his dazed thoughts, "How are we all feeling? Last night before we hit Seoul again."
"I can't actually believe it's gone so fast." Taehyung huffed, landing heavily on the sofa beside the two lovebirds as he munched away at whatever he'd found in the nearby snack table, "Like... I feel it was only yesterday that I was actually doing the first performance."
A chorus of muttered agreements followed around the room.

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