Outtake 1: Midnight Endeavours

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[Jin finds out.]

Written: sometime sept 2020 probably. Apologies for bad writing.


Jimin huffed in disbelief as he glanced at his phone and realised it was three in the morning. He and Jungkook had crept back after their group film night and proceeded to comfortably cuddle in the half light on the sofa, watching a TV show they had recently become hooked on. Jimin's back was nestled comfortably against Jungkook's chest, the maknae's arms slung instinctively around his shoulders as they stared at the blank screen of the recently turned off TV, "Baby we should move," he mutterered, raising the phone up so Jungkook could see the screen. But the youngest just drew Jimin towards him more tightly.

It had been two months since Hoseok had discovered the truth. True to his word, he and Taehyung had, when possible found ways to make fun of them. This had created a few moments of confusion and close calls with the other members, but Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi were still - they assumed - in the dark over the truth. He knew himself and Jungkook had publicly grown closer since the first evening in that hotel room. This was much to the relief of the others as rumours had begun drawing up that Jungkook truthfully hated Jimin. It was not the sort of tension the boys wished for in the group and there would rise a negative reputation around Jimin, one Namjoon knew Jimin would not be happy to carry.

Although Jimin still typically led their relationship of sorts - they had still not named it - Jungkook was growing more comfortable each day with occasionally taking control of their actions and leading Jimin to do what he wanted within the moment. This still, was reserved mainly for long hugs such as this one and the occasional drawn out kiss where he was confident enough to ask for a response. But, the past week or so, Jungkook had surprised him by leading the two of them to partake in longer embraces, seeming confident in initiating such and not hesitating to know what he should do. This, Jimin thought, turned him on very much so.

He huffed in pleasant surprise as he heard a lower voice mumble, "Let's just stay here." Jimin smiled as he saw within the TV screen, a head lower and felt lips pressed into the side of hid neck tentatively. Eyes closed as Jungkook continued leaving small kisses in the same location on his neck, each kiss lingering for a few moments more than the last. A small gasp escaped his lips as he felt the tug of skin through teeth and a spike of pleasure run through his mind. Damn you, he muttered to himself, although enjoying the entire situation incredibly, That won't be hidden well...

Before he knew it, his back was comfortably pressed into the corner of the sofa, his hands slung over Jungkook's neck as he hovered over him, their lips in a slow, but deep embrace. Hands confidently - although Jimin could feel them shake slightly - ran down his chest, slowly fumbling with the buttons on his shirt before running across his bare skin once the shirt had been opened. He pulled away momentarily, his hips bucking instinctively as Jungkook shifted his body and he let out a quiet moan.

"Ah I'm impossibly turned on right now," Jungkook muttered, chuckling in amusement at the realisation of what he had managed to do. Briefly pecking Jimin's lips, he slowly ran his hands down the older singers chest, following this run with a slow trail of kisses. With each kiss, he glanced up towards Jimin again, smiling as he noticed the dancer's head gently titled back in enjoyment. Knowing his own limits, Jungkook's lips simply brushed the skin at the edges of Jimin's jeans - earning a startled gasp - before finding their way back up to his neck.

"Tae I'm sure this isn't right," Jin muttered, glancing at the spread of sheets across his floor and back to the tired younger singer. It was past three in the morning, they had been attempting to find the correct order of these damn pages and neither of them had any hope of success, "Let's just leave this till the morning?"
Taehyung nodded, yawning and stretching his arms out widely as he stared in saddness at the mess of paper on the eldest's floor. It had taken them way too long.

"I'm going to get a drink-you want one?" Jin drew himself to his feet, holding out an arm to Taehyung who he knew had exhausted himself during rehearsals that day. His younger companion nodded, letting out another yawn. Following his hyung, they gathered in the kitchen and tiredly looked through the fridge, "You really tired yourself out today, make sure you take it easy ok?" Jin glanced in concern  towards Tae. The other day, they had witnessed Jimin collapse during rehersal from exhaustion and he did not wish to see the maknae line push themselves to such an extent so frequently. Of course, the hyung line had pushed themselves too far too- Hoseok had once thrown up on stage, Jin had been close to fainting himself and they had all at times passed out backstage after performances. But rehearsals were different.

His train of thought stopped as he heard muffled voices. Looking up at Tae, he suddenly realised his younger friend had a panicked expression on his face, "Let's go and see if we can-ah-sort out the last pages!" he grinned, grasping Jin's arm and beginning to haul him back to the room they had be working in. But Jin wasn't convinced.
"Tae what-?" Shaking Taehyung's arm away, he set his glass down and approached where he had heard the voices, followed by a panicked Tae.
"No Jin-Lets go this way, I'm sure its nothing I-ah crap."

The eldest group member stopped short of the living room door, his eyes wide as he glanced upon Jungkook and Jimin. Jimin was lying under the maknae, his shirt open as he grasped the belt loops of Jungkook's jeans and moulded into a deep kiss, the younger's hands cupped comfortably around his face as they were yet to realise the intrusion. Stepping back out of the room, he stared with wide eyes at Taehyung, who was flapping about in panic. He sighed, Of course Tae knew. He wouldn't be surprised if Hobi knew either. It would make a lot of sense.

"Tae! They-" he guested silently ot the door, "-They're, like-"
"-Yes I know! Now shut up!" Taehyung hissed, "Crap, they're going to kill me!"
"-But, Jungkook and Jimin-like..."
"-No Jin it was for fanservice, there's a camera in there." Jin huffed at the sarcastic comment, "Let's go before-"

"-Tae?" A voice called through the door, although it was one of knowing, rather than questioning his presence. Sheepishly, Taehyung appeared at the door, "and Jin." Jin shortly appeared after. The two of them had moved to sitting either side of each other, Jimin was hurriedly - yet not from embarrassment - buttoning up his shirt, brushing his messy hair away from his face that could not own anything but a smile.
"Hi guys!" Jin grinned.

I never finished it because I found a better idea, but have an outtake I found in my notes.

Your Eyes Tell [A Jikook Fanfiction ©️ Book 1]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora