Four: Role Reversals

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"Jungkookiee why don't you love mee?" Jungkook forced himself not to flinch as arms wrapped themselves around his shoulders. But as he felt his face flushing, a warm feeling rising in his chest, he lost his nerve and ducked away from the affectionate hold.

Jimin pouted. Although Jungkook knew this dismay was partially exaggerated for the camera that was now winding its way through the group. Jimin wouldn't be that sad if I refused a hug. The maknae huffed to himself, shaking his head. He wouldn't sob like a baby at being ignored.

After a second attempt at approaching Jungkook, Jimin shrugged and went off to tackle Taehyung. See, Jungkook grimaced, his actions from the other week still vividly fresh in his mind. Jimin doesn't think you're special. But even as these words passed through his mind, the young vocalist couldn't ignore the twinge of jealously rising through his chest and he found himself staring in irritation at the two twenty year olds.

In the corner of the practice room, their leader sighed in exasperation. Namjoon had repeatedly asked Taehyung what exactly had caused Jungkook's outburst and his own anger no more than a few weeks ago, but the young singer had refused to answer anything more than 'trust me'. But the longer he allowed himself to give Tae that trust, the more he convinced himself it wasn't the right decision.

What he could see now, was a complete role reversal to a few weeks back. Before, he had noticed the occasional tension initiated by Jimin either from ignoring or even actively avoiding Jungkook who attempted to be friendly and affectionate. Remembering this, Namjoon cursed himself for not intervening then. But now, Jimin was the one attempting to be affectionate, and Jungkook, strangely did not seem to appreciate it. It was not all the time. Namjoon had to admit that he'd only caught two or three instances of such stand-offish behaviour.

The scene would start with Jimin swanning up to the maknae and being his usual bubbly self, Jungkook would happily accept this for a little while and then, as if a switch had been pulled, he backed off and pushed Jimin away.

Initially he had suggested to himself it was another part of their comical act between the two when on camera. They had always had a humourous push-pull friendship in front of the fans, who thought Jungkook's shyness for skinship and Jimin's outrageously loud love confessions were incredibly sweet. But the maknae had never acted that way off camera unless he was mocking Jimin and so now, Namjoon was growing increasingly concerned that this was not a show for the fans.

He sighed deeply again as he caught Jungkook staring fiercely at Jimin and Tae's playful actions. Namjoon was clueless. He couldn't think of any reason for their behaviour. If he hadn't known either singer for as long as he had, he might have put it down to Jungkook's shyness at affectionate displays and a jealous wish for more confidence to reciprocate Jimin's brotherly love.
But he had known them for long enough. Jungkook was just as confident off camera in launching himself at Jimin and if anything, the hyung line were the ones who should feel jealous over the maknae line's friendship. Tae, Jimin and Jungkook were borderline inseperable.

"Tae no-aahh!" Everyone glanced over briefly as Jimin let out a high pitched squeal. The two squabblers tumbled to the floor in an assortment of limbs, throwing faces at the camera every so often to ensure every second of their play fighting sent all watching into fits of hysterical laughter.
This included the occupants of the room, each clutching their stomachs and gasping of breath as the two youngsters flooded the room with contagious laughter.

All except Jungkook. Namjoon observed, his smile faltering momentarily as he caught the sound of the studio door slamming shut.

It was when he saw the first few Army comments filtering through, that Jimin knew he had to confront the maknae.

'Is everything alright with Jimin and Jungkook?' 'Why is Jungkook ignoring Jimin?' 'Isn't Jimin taking these love confessions too far?' 'Can't Jimin see Jungkook looks uncomfortable?'

Tae had promised the other members that their momentary tension would not impact the band and Jimin had struggled to ensure he himself saw that promise through. He had seen Jungkook too, make an effort to place a facade over his troubles and interact as they once had. Ironically, the two of them seemed to be working together on camera to hide their confusing conflict off camera.
But Jungkook's avoidance was clearly less subtle than either of them had realised.

He had to speak to him. Before the others noticed. But even as the thought passed through his mind, he knew they already had. Tae had voiced his concern at how many times Namjoon had insisted he gave up the truth - he was becoming anxious at hiding what had happened the longer it drew out... The more it developed.

That is what confused Jimin. He didn't know why. Why was Jungkook avoiding him? Was it all revenge for that one week a month ago? His heart skipped a beat as a sudden horrific thought struck his mind and his heart pounded with his chest in panic- did Jungkookie know? Know that everytime their gazes met, his heart would uncontrollably flutter, his cheeks would feel flushed and he knew, should Jungkook speak to him unexpectedly that he would stutter in response.

Perhaps he had caught Jimin escaping the room when things got too much, saw the teasing soft shoves from Taehyung on his return, or the raised eyebrows whenever he and the maknae were paired together. But as he ran the idea through his head, he convinced himself that was not the case. Tae had said Jungkookie wouldn't care if he knew. Jungkook didn't even know he was gay-

And suddenly, Jimin had the urge to come out to his band members more than ever before. He wasn't sure how it would aid the situation at all... If anything he was concerned it would make it worse. But something seemed to be urging him on, as if a little voice in the back of his mind was telling him earnestly that coming out, would be the next best step. But how? A nervous feeling crept into his stomach as he began anticipating his band's response to such a confession.

Reading through a few more comments questioning Jungkook's health or Jimin's over-friendly nature, he huffed in exasperation and switched off his phone. The fans had given him enough to think about without his tension with Jungkook. He didn't need to add their current state of friendship to the mix of his personal concerns.

Hope you're enjoying it!

Do you think these boys will figure it out soon?

Have a good morning/afternoon/evening :) 💚

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