Eighteen: Sae-mi

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In a state of high anxiety, Jungkook careered down the corridor to their changing rooms the moment he'd been let out of the car, frantic to find and explain himself to their youngest stylist. Fuck!! His mind raced as he weaved between bustling staff members.

Sae-mi had been with them a little after their debut, joining them when she herself was eighteen. So, she had been the only obvious choice the maknae could think of that wouldn't give him much of a lecture regarding age gap. Fortunately also, he seemed to get on best with her out of the other artists. Perhaps it was due to her being the youngest female he got to interact with on a relatively daily basis.

"Noona!" The little one rushed up to the bustling make-up stylist muttering silently, "I... I made a horrible mistake and I need to tell you something and now I feel awful."
"Are you alright?" She frowned, continuing to place various make-up items from her travel bag onto the nearby table.
"No...not really, I rreeaaally need to speak to you. Like now. Alone-"
"-Jungkook I need to get my things ready." The young adult gave a nervous chuckle and she made as if to return to her previous work, assuming the young singer had either lost a bet or wanted some girl advice... Both of which didn't need to be resolved with the urgency he was suggesting.

Yet as she looked into the panicked face of Jungkook, who had just heard the sound of his hyungs prancing happily down the corridor, she sighed, "Five minutes, come here."
With a sigh of relief and a rushed set of apologetic bowing, he rapidly followed suite as they left the room through a backdoor, moments before the rest of BTS appeared. Fortunately, he did not see the glance of disapproval from Namjoon as the two were just caught leaving. If he had... who knew where his nerves would rise to.

"What's wrong?" Sae-mi asked, patting the bench next to her where she had seated herself. They had wandered outside the studio. Seeing the little one's face of terror, she realised he would probably be less vocal if he could see people moving around backstage or shuffling into ear-shot of them accidently.

"Sae-mi I said the most stupid thing ever to my hyungs." The youngster buried his head into his hands, "If I-if I tell you... You can't tell anyone! I meant it you can't -!"
"-Relax Jungkook," She patted his shoulder affectionately, "Unless you've done something illegal, my lips are sealed." she did not deny the slight spark of panic as, in response to such an attempt to be humorous, the maknae of BTS simply huffed. What exactly had he done?

"I- the night before last Namjoon found out I was with-uh... Someone." his eyes nervously glanced over her worried expression before continuing, "...and everyone asked who but you see Sae-mi... Noona... I'm not actually allowed to be dating anyone and I'm really really not allowed to date the person I'm actually dating... so I panicked and... And I-I.. I said it was you."

His confession was met with stunned silence from the young woman next to him. Slowly, she processed what he had admitted over in her head. He... He had said...
"You did what?!" She sighed in disbelief, not hesitating to whack him over the back of the head, "Jungkook if management got any hint of any of that I could lose my job! You're an Idol and not to mention you're still a child!"
"I know I know! I'm so sorry! But I couldn't have told the truth... I-I couldn't have-" He raised his head to make a number of deep bows, but concerned he was going to hit his head, she grabbed both his shoulders and stopped him, forcing him to look at her in the eyes.

"What can I do?" She calmly asked, "How can I stop you from being a panicked mess?"
"Nothing-you don't need to do anything I, I just needed you to know incase the boys said anything to you. I- I told them not to say anything and when I tell them the truth I'll say it wasn't really you... I promise!" The young woman could tell Jungkook was seriously panicking over such a situation.

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