Twelve: My Mochi

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Jungkook's head spun. He was heaving for breath as he lay on the floor backstage, grasping for as much air as possible. Staff members stuffed hand-held fans in front of his face, cool water from their damp paper towels mingling with the pooling stream of sweat across his forehead.
He was exhausted. The last performance of the day was taking everything out of him that he could offer and he felt he had already offered every last drop.

"Hoseok-" A staff member exclaimed as the dance leader hauled himself off the stage, gasping for breath.
With wide eyes, the maknae watched as his hyung stumbled, just caught by the nearby member of staff who slowly guided him onto a stool. The dancer doubled over his knees, heaving in deep breaths. "You kids..." a noona mumbled, waving over a second make-up artist to help hold up Hobi's head as they refreshed his look.

Since their incredible win the week before, they had launched back into their tour with little more than a month and a half to go. Each performance left them far more exhausted than the last, finding themselves increasingly unable to remain awake after their evening performances. And yet, whilst each concert drained them just a bit more, each concert sent them into an estastic, yearning desire to do more.

The support from the fans was incredible... Jungkook barely wanted to leave the stage every time he stared out into the audience of singings fans - fans singing their songs! - and cheering them on. It sent him into a buzzing fit of euphoria that to him, was all he ever needed.

"Two minutes!" A staff member yelled from behind them, his eyes momentarily flickering warily towards the collapsed members, "Two minutes until we're back on!"
Jungkook groaned, gritting his teeth and gladly accepting the arm outstretched that aided him to his knees. Rocking back onto his heels, he hauled his shirt back on and allowed the noonas to make the last final touches to his look. Then, taking a deep breath, he pressed himself off of the floor with no much more than a slight stumble. He was ready-

"Jimin." He followed Hosoek's restrained voice to the unmoving figure lying behind some of the plastic chairs backstage. Around him, staff members were frantically fanning him, dabbing his bare chest that glistened with a cascade of sweat. He hadn't moved a muscle since heavily landing himself there a few minutes before.

"Jimin!" The tone of urgency in their dance leader's voice only increased Jungkook's level of concern even more. Around him, the world thinned.  His heart seemed to pound loudly in his head as he watched with baited breath as the staff members continued attempting to wake him.

"Jimin-shii-" he heard himself suddenly muttering, finding his legs abruptly moving themselves to Jimin's unconscious form and collapsing to his knees beside him, tapping his shoulders frantically. "Jimin-shii come on... Jimin-shii..."

He brushed away the frown of curiosity from Hobi at such a nickname and continued calling the older singer as he continued trying to tap Jimin awake. Around him, the other members of BTS realised what had happened, their eyes flickering anxiously to the staff member keeping time. Thirty seconds. They had thirty seconds.

"Ah what... " A murmur arose beneath him. At once, a chorus of exhaled breaths flooded the room as Jimin shifted, raising his head slowly. In an instant his eyes grew wide and he flew into a seated position. "Craaap." he muttered, flicking away hand-fans and paper towels as he reached for his shirt and staggered to his feet.

"Ten seconds! Let's go boys!" The staff yelled from the wings.

No one could stop Jimin as he grinned widely and careered back out onto stage, seeming unphased by having fainted only moments ago.

Jungkook shivered uncomfortably, knowing, by the looks on their faces, that he shared the same thought patterns as his other hyungs. They had a bad feeling about this...

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