Twenty: An Argument

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"Jungkook please consider what I've said-!"
"I-I will. I promise." The maknae hesitated for a moment, before hauling Sae-mi into a tight hug. He could do this. He could.

"Jungkook-ah you need to-" You could almost hear the screech of shoe soles as Hosoek ground to a halt, frozen as he walked in on the friendly embrace. "Uh... Jungkook we're..." he cleared his throat, waving towards the studio doors. But his eyes were not on the maknae. They were transfixed on Sae-mi.

"Oh. Yeah... no problem. I was just leaving." Pulling away from the noona, he flashed her a small smile before brushing past Hobi and scooting into the studio where BTS celebrations had begun. He could do what she had suggested. He could...
Could he? He certainly wanted to take her advice...he could hardly take his eyes off Jimin and it was stupid of him to deny how childish he felt for remaining silent. What she had said had been wise... And he knew he needed to do something. He couldn't let Sae-mi hold a reputation that was not the truth... Not any longer.

Hobi entered the studio a few minutes later, and, although seeming clearly bothered by something, he grinned and yelled, "Let's partayyyy!" But as he passed Jungkook it was not difficult to see his flushed cheeks and fading, blood shot eyes as if he had been struggling to keep himself from crying. An unsettling feeling crept through Jungkook's stomach. Suddenly, he seemed even more determined to rid Sae-mi of her fake reputation.

The night was full of estatic celebration, each of them unable to stop reminding them all of every fantastic moment, every embarassment, every moment thought impossibly impossible.

Of course, the night was also filled with an extensive amount of sugar and alcohol which only added to the crazed feel of the entire 'end of tour party'. By one o'clock, as the boys were slowly encouraged to make their way home by amused staff, (knowing full well their celebrations would only continue back at the dorm) BTS were a mixture of hyperactive toddlers and mumbling, grinning teenagers.

Although they had every chance of being mistaken for one of the 'drunkards', Jimin and Jungkook had not drunk at all.

Jungkook, because legally he was still not allowed to, but Jimin also, because did not feel comfortable being reduced to such the vulnerable state he often was under alcohol, when his personal situation was so disgustingly horrible.

But that did mean, whatever happened for the rest of the night, was when both were incredibly sober.

As the morning hours drew closer, the members slowly crawled back to their rooms, the exhaustion from their tour finally hitting home. Except for two.

Two of the youngest sat, two metres apart on seperate sofas, hands tightly clenched into fists, eyes glaring at the floor in silence.
"Are we ever going to talk about this?"
Jungkook looked up suddenly as Jimin hesitantly broke the silence. But his words were ignored in fear of what they might discuss, "Aish... Jungkook you can't keep running from this."
And yet still, Jungkook said nothing as he glared at his fidgeting fingers laid in his lap.

This isnt what Sae-mi said to do. He scowled to himself angrily. She said to talk to him. Why couldn't he-?

Gathering up his thoughts, he breathed a deep sigh and finally, spoke, "I've made a bit of a mess of this... Haven't I?" Jimin almost choked in surprise at the sound of their maknae's distressed voice. After a moment to recompose himself, he shrugged.
"Mhmm... Let's see: You ignored me for a month and then we started dating... I mean, that's not too messy...but then you screamed at Namjoon, then punched me twice in the face...And now you've confessed to a false relationship with a woman three years your elder... not to mention whose a staff member and- oh no thats it."

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