Take Three

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"CHAS, aren't you going to let our classmates sign your uniform or something?" Sab asked me, while handing out her notebook to one of our classmates.

"No," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. I think it was childish to let them sign our uniforms. Are we in kindergarten?

It was the last day of junior high and they were all seriously busy letting our classmates sign autograph books, uniforms etc. I didn't even see the whole point of this when we know we'll get to see each other again after summer break for senior high.

"Don't you want to have a souvenir of our classmates?" Sab asked me again.

"What's the use of yearbook then?" I stated, matter-of-factly.

Sab creased her brows at me. "You're so indifferent."

"I know. I get that a lot," I said, watching our classmates walking back and forth inside the room. It was making me dizzy that I want to just doze off.

Just then, I heard Sab's phone ring. I watched as she answered it. "Uh... yes ma'am. A-ah.... F-for real? O-okay. I got it. Yes. Thank you." When she hanged up, she squealed so loud that everyone in the room turned to her. "OH MY GOSH!!! CHAS!!!" She shook my shoulders so hard that it hurt.

"Sab! Can you calm down? What the hell is this about?" I answered, trying not to sound irritated.

She leaned in closer to my ear. "Don't tell this to anyone, 'kay?" I nodded. "They called me and said I'm in for the second round of auditions."

"What audition?" I blurted out.

She quickly covered my mouth with her hand. "Ssssshhhh! It's for the dating show I'm telling you about," she whispered.


"Aren't you thrilled?"


"But wait, if I'm in, then..." She paused, groping for something in my pocket. "Check your phone."

I creased my brows at her. "What? Why?"

"See if they called you."

Sighing, I fished it out from my pocket and checked as what she said. "See. There are no missed calls. I guess I'm not in." I shrugged at her.

"Maybe... they'll call you later. I'm still crossing my fingers to that."

"You can cross all your fingers and toes for that, but I bet they won't ever call me." I chuckled at that thought.

"Ha! Really? Anyway, I need new clothes for the audition. Let's go to the mall after this."

"What? No way! You've got plenty of clothes in your wardrobe. Seriously Sab, don't get too caught up about this thing."

She raised a brow at me. "Whether you like it or not, you're coming with me later."


And yes, true enough, after that memorable last day in junior high, I was there standing inside a boutique with my bestfriend, who had apparently tried out almost all of the dresses in the aisles. "Sab, can't you just pick one among those?" I asked her, tapping my feet while as she picked another dress to try on.

"No! I need the perfect dress to impress whoever is gonna judge us," she answered me.

"It's not even a beauty pageant. Just go out there with your most comfortable clothes, for Peter Pan's sake. That's the point of it being a reality show," I pointed out at her, but she just ignored me.

I sighed as I watched her go back inside the fitting room again. Just then, I heard my phone ring so I quickly answered it. "Hello?"

"Yo, where are you?" I didn't have to see the caller id cause I knew exactly who was calling.

You and Me Plus the Devil Makes Threeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن