Take Seventeen

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NO ONE spoke after I told him the truth about me actually having fear of heights as well. We were now inside the capsule or booth thing in the Ferris Wheel. Apparently, Tristan ordered the two staff to not enter inside our booth. Four people were supposed to stay in one booth but he paid for the other two seats just to have it for ourselves.

"Why did you have to shove the staffs away?" I asked him, breaking the stillness between us, as the wheel started to move slowly.

"I didn't shove them. I pleaded to them and they agreed." He answered.


"Would you rather have them here and film us two together?"

Now that he mentioned it... "No."

"They were tagging along with us this whole time. I want to spend time with you alone."

I turned to him. He was dead serious. "Tristan, please stop saying those things from now on."

"What things?" He asked innocently.

"Ugh. Never mind."

We were silent again after that. The machine was moving so slow so it wasn't really making me feel dizzy. In fact, I enjoyed seeing the view from up there. "It's pretty up here. I wish they're here with me."

He suddenly snapped his head back at me. "Who?"

"Sab and... Jasper."

"Jasper, huh? So it's true that you like him?"

"W-what? N-no. Why are you suddenly asking that?"

"I don't like it everytime he goes near you... especially when he touches you like he owns you." He said, avoiding my gaze.

"What???" I asked like I didn't hear him, but I heard it all clearly. Why was he saying this to me?

"I'm jealous at the fact that you know each other since you were kids. It's like he has already an advantage over me."

Jealous? He's... actually jealous? And he's confessing it to me? Before I could even answer him, the machine already stopped. I didn't notice that we took our time talking and spacing out just like that. We spent that whole time in the park feeling awkward with each other... or at least just me.


THE NEXT day, Tristan's mom suggested that we go hiking to the nearby mountain where they usually go to. The staffs were up for it, though I was a bit hesitant. After a lot of convincing, I finally agreed to it.

"Tristan, your mom told us that you used to hike up this mountain." Kylie told him while focusing the dv cam to his face. "What's so special about this mountain?"

Ah so that explains why he's so brave entering the forest back in the camping activity. I looked at him beside me. He was expressionless as usual as he led us the way up to the rocky trail. "How would I know?" He said, answering the staff's question.

"Uh... I heard that if you reach the peak of the mountain, you can make a wish and that wish will come true." Rica answered delightedly, turning to me. "What will you wish for, Chastity?"

"Uhm... I still don't know. I'll have to think it over on our way up there, I guess." I answered, pretending to be amused. I wasn't really interested at making wish. If it won't come true, then wouldn't that be disappointing?

"How about you Tristan? What will you wish for?" Kylie asked him again.

"I'd wish for you two to stop asking me any more questions." He said bluntly, causing the 2 staffs to glare at him.

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