Take Twenty-Seven

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"DEAR, you're awake already?" Mom asked, as soon as she saw me approaching the kitchen. I moved next to her, kissing her cheek. "I'm still cooking breakfast."

"I know, mom. What can I do?" I asked, looking at the pan she was holding.

"Just sit right there and wait for your breakfast. I haven't seen you for a long time. Just let me take care of you," she said, flashing me a smile and facing back her pan.

I did as what she told and watched her cook. It was still 6 in the morning, but I was already wide awake. I guess I got used to the wake-up call back in the villa. I still couldn't believe I was already home. It felt surreal seeing mom and being here at our house. I suddenly missed being in the villa, which was ironic since I originally didn't want to be there.

"So how was it being in the show?" Mom suddenly asked, turning to me.

I looked at her and shrugged. "Just fine."

She nodded. "And how are you and Jasper?"

"We're good, mom. Why?"

"Oh nothing. I just thought something happened between you there."

"What something, mom? Nothing happened there. We're best of friends."

"Yes. But he confessed to you, right?"

I sighed. She really didn't miss anything from that show, I must say. "Yeah, but... we've agreed to stay as we are."

"Then, how about that Tristan? I wanna meet him."

My eyes grew wide upon hearing her. "Tristan? W-why do you wanna meet him, mom? He's a total jerk and-" I got cut off when she spoke again.

"And the guy whom you fell in love with." She ended with a sly smile.

"Mom!" I protested. "That's... not it."

"Ah, my baby's really mature now, being in love and all..." She paused, looking at me. "Look at that. It's my first time to see you blush."

I didn't know I was blushing. All I knew was I was feeling warm inside me. "Mom! Stop it! I don't wanna talk about it."

She closed the stove, placing the eggs and bacon on the plate. Then, she moved towards me. "Chastity, it's time for you to feel this kind of thing. If he's the one in your heart, then go for it."

I paused. "You... really think so, mom?"

She nodded. "Of course. But first, I want to meet him."

"That's... not possible."

"Why not?"

First of all, I didn't know what to say to him. And secondly, I was scared to face him. But I couldn't say that to mom. "I don't know where he is."

"But you just went over to their house before, right?"

Okay, so she really knew everything that happened. "I don't want to go there alone, mom."

"You want me to come with you?"

"No, no. It's just... embarrassing." I admitted.

"It's not embarrassing, dear. I don't want you to regret things later in life, so just do what you want to do now." She advised me. "I'll let Jasper come with you."


I thought mom was kidding when she said that. Jasper was the least person I wanted to ask to accompany me. But I had no other choice because Sab was too busy with Jiro now. That's why a day later, I was riding on Jasper's car going to Tristan's hometown. We got a little lost along the way, but we managed to find the right path through Skye's directions. Yeah, apparently we got in touch with her.

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