Take Twenty

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WHEN morning came, we were brought to a place called Picnic Grove with an open and grassy, wide lawn perfect for having picnics while enjoying the amazing view and cool weather. Apparently, there's this area full of horses wherein we'd be doing horse-back riding and just spend the whole day with our partners. It was my first time riding on one so when a staff motioned me to go up the horse's back, I was a bit scared; not because of the horse itself, but because of the thought that I might fall while riding on it.

Jasper tried to convince me over and over until finally, the staff suggested that we both ride on it. Yes, Jasper and I on one horse! Imagine how heavy it'd be! Anyway, Jasper helped me climb up the horse first before he did, so I was infront of him. I suddenly felt weird inside me. We were so close with each other. I could almost feel his breathing behind me. Damn it. Why can't these weird feelings just leave me alone?

"Chas, you okay?" Jasper asked me. I just nodded. "How do we get this horse to move?" He asked again. As if I knew the answer to that.

I tried moving my hand with the small rope connected to the horse's face, but it still wouldn't move. "It's not moving." I told him.

Suddenly, I felt his hands on top of mine, as he tried to move the rope this time. The horse eventually moved forward slowly. "Ah so that's how it goes." He remarked, still holding my hands with the rope.

I swallowed hard. The weather in Summer Hill was really cool, but I was feeling all warm inside. His hands were keeping me warm, not to mention that our bodies were so close with each other. I know I've mentioned this again earlier, but hell. We're really so close. It's like we're doing a back-hug or something.

"Hey Chas, why aren't you saying anything?" He asked, catching my attention. "Are you still scared?"

"Uh... no. Not anymore." I answered in a low voice.

He chuckled. "That's because I'm here."

"Yeah. And it's embarrassing." I looked at the other couples. They were riding their own horses, each one of them. And here we were, riding on one horse together.

"What? I don't think it is. It feels good actually." He said and I instantly turned to him. That was a mistake. Because the moment I turned to my side to face him, our cheeks brushed against each other, almost as if I kissed his cheek. Ugh. Crap.

I didn't even know how the hell that happened. Was he actually leaning closer to me? I shook my head. "S-sorry." We both muttered in sync.

"Hey, ChasPer, no kissing!" Someone suddenly shouted infront of us and we both realized that it was a female staff who called our attention. But wait, did he just call us... ChasPer?

The other couples suddenly turned to us, as if we've committed a crime. I mean, seriously for all I know they've done worse things in secret during the show. But anyway, I wasn't supposed to care if they were looking at us or not, but then, when I saw Tristan shooting me a glare from where he was, I suddenly felt... guilty? No, not guilty. Why would I even feel guilty? It's not like I have a commitment towards him. Ugh. Did I even say that?

"Chas?" I heard Jasper behind me.

"Yeah?" I asked him, not turning my head this time. Never mind the fact that I'd get a stiff neck afterwards.

"Nothing. It just..." He heaved a sigh. "...feels nice to stay this close to you."

I froze. I knew that I should be used to him saying these things, which I always hear everytime he flirts with a girl, but I still couldn't help but feel giddy and anxious inside me. I tried to shrug it off so I faked a laugh. "Hey, why are you suddenly being sappy?"

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