Take Eight

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I didn't know how many glasses of liquor I drank that time since I chose to avoid answering their intriguing questions so everytime the bottle stopped at me, I would choose to drink. And if you're wondering how my body was tolerating the alcohol inside my system, I also have no idea. I have never drink alcohol up until now so we'd see how I'd end up later.

"Chastity, I think you should stop drinking now." I heard Mino beside me. He seemed worried, but I ignored him. I didn't know what had gotten into me that I suddenly became addicted to it.

The game still continued, but my head was already turning and my vision was becoming blurry by the minute. I could see Jasper's eyes on me which probably meant, "Stop drinking already!" I finally decided to get up and excused myself from the circle.

"Let me help you get to your room." Mino offered, taking my hand, but I shook my head at him.

"Thanks but I can manage, Mino." I told him, and so he went back to his seat.

I've only seen drunken people on movies and I actually didn't know what they do after being drunk. Now that I was in their situation, I was clueless. I ended up stopping at a hut after walking (who knows how many meters I've reached). By this time, I felt something burning inside me. I reached inside the hut and then involuntarily, I threw up the contents I drank.

"WHAT THE F*CK!" Someone yelled near me and that's when I realized that someone was actually there inside the hut. And yes, unfortunately I threw up... and more unfortunately.... I threw up on the devil. I didn't know if I should be happy that at least I finally had my revenge on him or if I should be scared of what he might do to me now.

His roaring voice suddenly made me sober. My eyes grew wide seeing his furious face, as he wiped his shirt which I just puked on. He gritted his teeth in anger as he reached for my neck. "YOU!!!!" He was shaking and trembling in anger, but the next thing I knew, my eyes already went pitch black.


MY head hurt as soon as I woke up. I was surprised that I was lying on bed inside our cottage when I rose up from bed. I saw my roommates sleeping soundly beside me. I checked the time on my watch and saw that it's already 5 am. I took a quick bath, changed clothes and marched my way out of our room after that, making sure not to wake anyone up.

As I was walking out, I saw a familiar person also walking towards my direction. He looked surprised to see me. "Chas, how are you feeling?" Jasper asked when he reached me.

"Fine. Just a little bit dizzy that's all. Why are you up so early?" I asked him.

"Well... I was gonna wait for you here until you wake up. I was worried last night. You've never drank before. Why'd you have to drink so much?" He looked worried. Not that he's never been worried before, but this time he was overly worried because he knew how much I hate alcohol and so did he.

"I just felt like it." I simply answered.

Jasper heaved a sigh. "I saw Tristan carrying you inside your cottage last night. I was searching for you but apparently, you were with him?" He seemed unsure, doubtful. I knew he wanted to ask me why were we together. But I got struck at what he said. That devil actually carried me inside our room?

"I... don't know but..." I paused, rubbing my temple. "...I actually threw up on him last night. He was mad at me, but I didn't know he carried me."

"What if he did something to you?" Jasper's voice became serious, his brows creased in the middle. "It's a relief that he carried you back to your room instead of abandoning you."

"I guess he's still not so devil after all." I faked a laugh.

Just then, not too far away from where we were standing, I saw the devil passing by, his eyes caught mine but then he suddenly looked away and continued walking.

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