Take One

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CHASTITY means purity. It's supposed to mean being pure to self and others. But other dictionaries would define "chastity" literally as "virginity". Why am I saying this? Because unfortunately, mom named me after the daughter of celebrities Sonny and Cher Bono, Chastity Bono whom you probably don't know about.

When I reached freshmen year and my classmates suddenly took interest of my name, they eventually found out about it being defined as virginity, which then started the mockery. I wasn't the type who just kept quiet and watch them laugh their asses off about my name. I ended up being in the guidance counsellor's office for slapping (or punching) one of my girl classmates who kept on teasing me about it. Yes, you could say I was kind of a tough cookie. After that, no one else dared to mock my name.

Anyway, that girl classmate of mine eventually became my bestfriend when we reached sophomore year. And, now that we're in junior year, our friendship became stronger than ever to the point that everything we did, we always had to have a say about it... just like now and every other mornings.

"When will you stop riding that bike of yours going to school, Chas?" Isabella hissed right beside me. I was going to ignore her, but the way her brows creased in the middle made me want to counter her.

"When I find a pot of gold to buy myself a car."

"You're weird."

"Gee, thanks Sab." I flashed her a grin.

"Isabella Marie Lee! Chastity Gomez! What are you two fussing about there?" The high-pitched tone of Ms. Rossville filled the room. She set down a book on the table, fixing her thick-rimmed glassed over her eyes.

"We're not even talking," Sab reasoned out beside me in a low voice, but Ms. Rossville still heard it. At this point, I was convinced that she had bionic ears.

"What did you say, Ms. Lee? Do you want to get out of the room?" Ms. Rossville's voice was calm, but her eyes pierced in our direction, making me lower my head to avoid her glare.

"No, miss," Sab answered, almost whispering now.

"Good. Now bring out your books."

"But Ms. Rossville!" Someone complained from the class, followed by another one, so our teacher suddenly startled us with a smash from her stick.

"This is all your fault." Sab turned to me, her almond-shaped eyes squinting.

I arched a brow at her. "What? Me? You're the one who-" I got cut off when Ms. Rossville spoke again.

"Ms. Gomez, if you're not going to listen, just get out of my class!" She was really really mad now. Tsk. It wasn't even my fault. "Now!"

I rose up from my seat and stepped out of the room with a heavy heart. That was really humiliating! Scratching my head in annoyance, I walked towards the hallway, finding my locker to return my book. As soon as I closed it, I banged my head on it in an attempt to make myself feel better.

I was about to hit my head on it again, when suddenly I felt someone's hand over my forehead. When I turned around, I saw a grinning face of a guy infront of me. His head was hanging low just to level his face with mine. "Jasper!" I exclaimed, craning my neck to meet his eyes. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that my bestfriend has a very annoying older brother namely Jasper.

"Dude, what's your problem? You're really breaking lockers with your head this early in the morning?" He remarked, suppressing a laugh.

"Haha. Laugh all you want," I said in sarcasm. I noticed that his hand was still on my forehead so I shoved his hand away. "I got kicked out of the room by Ms. Rossville," I explained in a serious tone, straightening myself up.

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