Take Twenty-Four

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I DIDN'T know what happened or what Tristan did for me to feel this way. I was happy being stuck with Jasper and Sab before. I didn't have any problem aside from schoolworks. I was satisfied with my life, playing video games, or being forced to go shopping. Not in a million years did I expect that one person, more so a guy, could affect my life this big.

I had to admit, I was a bit scared of Tristan when I first encountered him. He stole my bike, got chased by the police and was labelled as Devil in the villa, he had a bad reputation. But after days and weeks of being paired up with him, I learned that he wasn't really that person they said he was. He had reasons for being him. He made those people around him feel special. He just wouldn't show it in a nice way most of the time, but I felt it... everytime I was with him.

Those small things he would do, I never got the chance to thank him properly because I didn't want to admit that he wasn't a devil. And when I heard Skye's story about Ahra - Tristan's ex-girlfriend, I got even more curious on how they loved each other so much. I could never replace her, but somehow, I wanted to be the one whom he could lean on, I wanted to ease the pain he was feeling even just a bit.

"Chas, are you nervous? You've been unusually quiet since earlier." Jasper commented beside me.

"Yeah. I'm just... nervous." I lied. I wasn't really that nervous. My mind was just really not there that time.

We were now sitting on tables just below the stage prepared for the Showcase. The best part of it was that the participants who got eliminated were present there as well so a little reunion took place. Anyway, Nicole and Skye were both done performing their dance a while ago. Patrick has just finished singing while playing the guitar on stage. His composed song was great as usual. It was especially dedicated to Nicole. I think that was sweet of him. Now it was Sab and Jiro's turn to perform.

I cheered for them, as they sang together with their hands entwined with each other. I was genuinely happy for the two. I could see Jasper smiling on the side as well. I knew Jiro would never hurt my bestfriend. But if he did though, he'd taste the fruits of Taekwondo lessons of Jasper.

As soon as their song ended, Jasper and I already proceeded to the opposite sides of the stage just like what we've practiced. I took a breath, taking the microphone from the staff. Then, the music started to play. Jasper already appeared from the side of the stage singing:

Another chance to see you once more, it's a miracle

Love is so amazing like a spell.

My heart whispers to you girl

You'd look at me with those warm eyes

And suddenly everything was alright.

He started dancing with the beat of the song. Meanwhile, I was already preparing myself to appear. I can do this. I can do this. It's just singing and dancing.

Even though I can't say it out loud

You should believe what my heart can't say

Please don't ever leave me

We pinky-promised remember that day.

I tried to keep up with Jasper's dance. Just like what he said, I just have to feel the music and so I tried to. I was just hoping I didn't look awkward. Jasper started singing, or rather rapping the lyrics of the song he made.

It was my turn again to sing, as Jasper danced beside me. I got startled a bit, when he suddenly took my hand and entwined it with his. That wasn't part of the choreography, so I was really taken aback. But I tried to be calm and continued to sing. He glanced at me then sang the last lines of the song.

You and Me Plus the Devil Makes ThreeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum