Take Eighteen

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AFTER being dragged by Tristan to his friend's house who was apparently, his tattoo artist, I suddenly started to quiver in fear. I wanted to get a tattoo earlier, but then I forgot that they had to use needles when putting it. Of course, like most people, I was scared of needles. Aside from the fact that it'll hurt like hell, I'm sure I'll see my own blood dripping while the tattoo is being painted. Crap!

"H-hey... uh... can't I do this some other time?" I stuttered, as I squeezed Tristan's arm beside me.

He looked at me with a frown. "But you said you want to get one. Are you perhaps..."

"Yes, I'm afraid of needles, you dimwit." I admitted.

He chuckled. "Then why were you so eager earlier?"

"I forgot about the needles part of it." I confessed, still squeezing his arm.

"Hey!" He tried to shove my hands away, but I gripped him tighter. "You said you wanted to conquer my fear before when you dragged me to the rollercoaster. Now is your time."

I looked at him. "But that's... that's... different." I bit my lip, trying so hard not to cry infront of him.

"Hey dude, I don't think she can do it." His friend named Johnny told him.

"Chastity, are you gonna do it or not?" Ms. Kylie asked me. I shook my head at her. "Then, let's get home now. Your mom called us, Tristan."

He sighed. "We're already here. I'll just do it then. Wait for me a bit."

I dropped my hands from gripping him, as he went inside with his friend to add another tattoo on his body. I sighed in relief, as I sat on the living room with Ms. Kylie and Rica. I wondered what kind of tattoo he would place again.


IT was past 8 when we reached back their house. His mom was relieved when she saw us. I didn't see a new tattoo in his hands so I kept on wondering where the hell it was. I asked him on our way back, but he never answered me so I just let it off.

The next day, I didn't see Tristan during breakfast. His mom told me that she heard him coughing in his room all night and that I should go check him since she would be going to work. I was hesitant to go to his room, but I needed to so I did. I knocked on his door a few times, but there was no answer. "Tristan, it's me."

After a minute, the door opened revealing him with a pale look on his face. "What do you want?" He asked, coughing.

I stared at him and saw that he wasn't looking like his normal self. "Are you..." I paused, moving my hand on his forehead. "You're warm."

He brushed my hand away. "I'm not." He said, turning his back and proceeding back to his bed.

I followed him inside without even his permission. "Tristan, you're sick. Have you taken paracetamol?"

He shook his head with his eyes closed. I moved closer to him on his bed. "I should call your mom." I was about to exit his room, but then, he caught my hand.

"Chastity!" He spoke in a low voice. "Don't tell her. She'll just..." He coughed again. "...worry over me."

"Then, what do you want me to do? Watch you burning like that with fever?"

He heaved a sigh. "Just... stay."

I was taken aback when he said this, but I did it anyway. I gave him an analgesic after asking his grandma where their medicine kit was. I continued to monitor his temperature. It was still 38.6°C. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked him, while damping the small towel on his face.

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