Take Sixteen

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AFTER THE 2nd elimination night, I couldn't believe I was still there inside the villa. Cheska, Leighton, Emily, Julian, Zachary and Liam were the ones eliminated that night. I knew how much they wanted to stay. I should've been the one voted out, but no. I get to stay for another week. I don't know if I should be happy about this or not.

For the 3rd week, we were given the liberty to choose where to spend our time with together with our chosen partners. That was the best part of it... I was already rejoicing inside, not until I learned that the guys get to choose their partners again and this time, not only for 2 days but for a whole week.

Anyone, please pick me, but him... "Chastity, you've been chosen by Tristan and Jasper." Victoria announced, after everyone has chosen their partners. "Okay to settle this, we'll have to ask the guys where they want to spend the whole week with you, but we won't tell you their answers. You'll have to pick one from the two places... and from there, you'll know who your partner will be."

Okay, that seemed to be easy and difficult at the same time. After the two guys whispered their answers to Victoria, she turned back to me. "Chastity, where would you want to spend this one week: a. at the guy's house or b. at your house?"

What the heck? They seriously said those answers? Ugh. Knowing Jasper, he probably chose to stay at their house and that devil chose to stay at our house. But still, Jasper could've chosen to stay at our house. Oh crap. This is making me insane.

"Chastity, you have 30 seconds to think it over. What will you choose? A or B?"

Dammit. This is even harder than being in a quiz show. I glanced at the two guys. The devil was smirking at me. Meanwhile, I saw Jasper lifting his chin. Does that mean A? "Uh... I choose..." I tapped my foot in apprehension. "A?"

"A? Is that your final answer?"

I sighed. "Yes."

And then, I totally regretted it because I saw Tristan's smile as wide as ever while Jasper was shaking his head at me. Oh no!

"Your partner for the week is... Tristan." Great!


I pretended to be asleep during that whole ride in the van. My eyes were closed as my head was leaning on the car window. We were headed to Tristan's house back in the province. I learned that he's living alone in the city, while his family lived in the province. I still couldn't believe that he chose to stay there for a week. I guess he also missed his family.

"So why did you choose to stay at your house for the week?" One of the female staff namely Kylie, who accompanied us asked him.

"It's been a year since I last saw them." He answered quietly.

"Ah. Really? It must be hard for you living alone all this time."

"Not really." He answered, and after that, the staff didn't ask any more questions.

The road became rocky from that point and so, my head kept on hitting the window, but I tried not to budge a bit. Must keep still and pretend to be asleep, I reminded myself. But then, I suddenly felt a hand on the side of my head moving it and resting it on someone's shoulder. I sighed. Why does he keep on doing things like this?

Minutes later, the van finally stopped. We finally arrived. I slowly lifted my head up and saw Tristan looking at me. "We're here." He told me. I just nodded.

He led the way towards the doorway. After pressing the doorbell, we waited for someone to open the door. "Oh my! Tristan, son you're here." His mom was completely surprised at our presence. After hugging him, she immediately led us the way inside their house.

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