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"You going to be okay alone tonight?" I turned to Mitch who was holding onto the suit jacket and held out my arms. Mitch stood up and put the jacket on me, coming around to my front and fixing the button.

"I'll be just fine. Gun in the bottom drawer under all the mail?" Mitch said and puckered his lips.

I leaned down and gently kissed him. "Yep. The safety is on so make sure to flick it off before you try firing. A mistake like that could cost your life." Mitch nodded and his hands went around my waist and he trailed upwards around my torso.

"I know, Scotty. Come home safe or I'm kicking your ass, Red." I frowned.

"Not even a little cut on my finger?"

"Not even the littlest tear on your clothes. I'll be looking at the seams too." Mitch squinted up at me and I grinned.

"I'll take that challenge," I kissed Mitch again and went to the bed, attaching my gun to my hip and putting everything else in my pockets. "See you in the morning, babe." I held out my arms and Mitch hugged me, squeezing my torso tightly.

"Come back, safe." He repeated and I rested my head on the top of his head as I rubbed his back.

"I will, baby." I kissed the top of Mitch's head and cupped his cheeks, pulling his head up and kissing his lips. "I love you."

"I love you." Mitch got into bed and rolled around in the sheets. I walked out of the room and turned off the light on my way out. I went down to the garage and took my car, making sure all the doors were locked before I left.

I had gotten a job to take out a leader of one of the bigger gangs in North California. It was a bit of a drive but the person who hired me paid me near a hundred thousand. I dropped the price for him since it wasn't that much of a drive but he assured me it was fine. For that price, he could've just paid the gang to separate. There was something off about it. Maybe it was family-related.


As I drove through the neighborhood, I took notice of the empty driveways and broken-down cars on the side of the streets. Something was seriously off but that wasn't my job tonight. I averted my eyes back to the main road and continued on. I passed a sign that said n outlet and huffed. I was definitely going to get hurt tonight and Mitch was going to kill me.

I pulled into the end of the neighborhood and parked my car facing the exit. I got out of the car and shut the door, looking around. It was empty, dark, and quiet. Too quiet. I faced the house of my target and the windows were broken and boarded up. The front door was smashed in as well. I wondered if someone had gotten here before me. I went up to the house and kicked what was left the door open and peered inside. The crescent moon didn't shower enough light down on the city so I couldn't see anything. I took out my phone and turned the light on, shining it through the hallway. I saw a body pass the edge of the light and upstairs and I gasped. That was nerve-wracking.

I took in a deep breath and took my gun out of the holster and went to the stairs, shining my light in the rooms downstairs as I walked. I went upstairs and did a full three-sixty, not seeing anything near me. I walked along the floors and pointed my flashlight in one of the bedrooms, not seeing anything. I went to the second room and pulled back the hammer on my gun. It clicked loudly through the quiet house. I heard feet padding between the rooms and turned back to the hall with my light, seeing absolutely nothing.

This must be one hell of a haunted house to pay a guy to visit. I looked into the room I was by and it was completely empty. Not even a bed or a dresser. Something crashed downstairs and I whipped around, my light shining the stairs. I huffed and ran down the stairs and back outside, being met with an army of men and women. I looked around at them all. At least less than twenty. Only about half of them carried guns. Two people came out of the house I was in so I turned around to see them. I frowned when they were practically children. Couldn't be over eighteen.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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