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Ginger's fingers ran up and down my bare back, the soothing feeling waking me up from my peaceful sleep. His lips pressed against my shoulder and I let out a soft sigh of content.

"Did you enjoy last night, Angel?" Ginger's husky morning voice made me feel ways I've never felt before. I wouldn't have minded if I woke up to it every day.

"I did, Ginger. Thank you." Ginger kissed my shoulder again. His rough beard made me grimace as I remembered the beard rash I had on my face from all our shared kisses.

I turned over, my eyes landing on Ginger's freckled, hairy chest. I pushed my hands on his pecs and looked up at him. "Why is your beard so rough? It hurts."

Ginger's face turned into confusion then his face flushed red. "Did I give you a beard rash?" His fingers cupped my chin and he inspected my face.

"I'll be okay. How are you shaving your face?"

Ginger shrugged and I sat up, stretching my limps. I got off the bed and went to Ginger's dresser. I opened the first drawer I touched and found his underwear. I picked out a pair of striped briefs and put them on. I grabbed another pair and smiled at the pink dots popping out against the blue colored briefs.

"It's weird to think that under all your fancy suits you wear polka-dotted underwear." I snickered, holding up the pair of underwear as I faced Ginger. He was sitting against the headboard and staring at me.

"I have nothing to be ashamed of. Those are very comfortable for your information." Ginger grinned and he stood off the bed. My nerves tingled as I watched the naked redhead walk towards me to grab the underwear in my hands. Ginger leaned down after getting his briefs on and kissed me. I rose my hand up to gently caress Ginger's jaw and then gripped his chin, pushing him back.

"No more beard rash. Come." I grabbed Ginger's hand and lead him to his bathroom. I took a moment to take in what he had on the counter. A few different brands of deodorant, some hair products, and a single cheap razor.

"You live in a mansion and you have this ugly razor?" I turned to Ginger and snickered. He rolled his eyes and I giggled, wrapping my arms around his torso and kissing his chest. "I'm just teasing you."

"You're rude." Ginger said and smacked my rear. I blinked and left the bathroom to grab the bag of toiletries I had Ginger bring from my apartment. I took out one of my razors, reading the label on it to make it sure I used it on my face and not... Another place... Before hurrying back to the bathroom with the entire bag.

Ginger sat on the toilet with the lid down and I saw his razor in the trashcan. I turned on the faucet to the sink to get the water warm and searched for a washrag.

"Do I have your permission to shave you?" I asked Ginger as I grabbed a rag from the shelf above the toilet.

"Don't touch my chest or my pubes. Other than that, you can whatever you want."

"Do you use the same razor that you use on your face for your pubes?" Ginger didn't respond and I gagged.

"I mean I wash my face right after! It shouldn't matter!" Ginger fought.

I grinned and turned to Ginger. "I can't believe I kissed you now knowing that you don't use separate razors."

"You sucked my dick, it literally has no difference."

I turned back to the sink and soaked the rag with the hot water, squeezing the excess out and turning the faucet off.

"It's going to be hot. " I said and placed the rag over Ginger's lower face. He jumped a bit then relaxed, lowering himself so his head could tilt back comfortably and keep the rag from falling. I dug into my toiletry bag and took out a small can of shaving cream, shaking it to make sure I'd have enough.

GingerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora