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- Mitch's POV-

"How'd you lose your eye?" The boy asked as he placed his palm over the hole in my face. I gently grabbed his scrapped up arm and finished wrapping it up with the gauze I begged the men for.

"You know how people tell you to not run with scissors because it could be dangerous?"

The boy nodded and he continued to stare. He then grabbed the gauze tape and loosely wrapped some of it around my head to cover the hole. I chuckled a little and the boy patted the spot before pulling back again.

"I was a bad boy and thought I was cool because I ran with them. I tripped and fell and this happened."

The boy sat up and held out his pinkie. "I promise to not run with scissors!" I laughed a little and wrapped my pinkie around his.

"Pinkie promise?"

"Pinkie promise." I boy then fell against my chest and I wrapped my arms around him to keep him warm. It was freezing in this hell.

- Scott's POV-

"Ay dios mio, mi hijo." I didn't want to look Eva in the eyes as she stared at me through the metal bars. "You always go too far with this stuff. You're wasting time."

"I know." I said simply and finally looked up. "at least it's not a real cell. He's just holding me here until he wants to talk. Which I hope is soon. I don't want to have to break out of here."

"Don't do it, Scott. You're just going to get yourself in more trouble. Be lucky he hasn't arrested you for everything you've been doing already."

I quickly shushed her. "No one else knows. Only he does so keep quiet." I hissed and looked over at the guard watching us.

"Don't speak to me like that," Eva said quickly and I looked down at her. I was going to reply but the glare in her eyes practically made me cower. I huffed and went back to my bench and sat down. "I'm going to go find another hotel room."

"Don't bother. I'll be out of here before sunset. Just go shop or something." Eva looked at me once more then walked away. Once she was gone I saw the guard talk into the walkie talkie attached to his chest then he started walking over.

I stood up and he stopped from getting his keys out. "Stay against the wall." I obliged and pressed my back to the wall. "Turn around."

I spit onto the floor then turned around. I heard the keys jingle and my cell door started to open. I quickly jumped onto the bench and focused on dislocating my shoulders and twisting my limbs so they went from behind my back to in front of me. The guard rushed me, slipped on my spit and I simply brought both my hands and grabbed the guard by his head then brought it to my rising knee. Once the guard fell I used his head as a step stool and got off the bench. I then kicked the guard across the face for groping me when he patted me down.

I bent down to the unconscious man and grabbed his keys, unlocking my handcuffs, and walking out of the cell. I grabbed my suit jacket that was hanging on the chair the guard sat on and shook the dirt off of it then put it on.

I walked out of the cell section of the building and went back to the room where the Lieutenant's office was. When I walked in several people were still cleaning up the mess I made and the main man was standing in the middle of the office. He did a double-take when he saw me and I pulled a paper from the inside pocket of my jacket and dropped it. I then simply turned around and walked out of the police department.

When I got out of the building, the sun was still an hour away from setting and I chuckled to myself. Not a minute after, Eva pulled into the lot and I was quick to get into the car as she sped off.

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